
YHC and Largemouth for 5.2 miles at a conversational 7:30 pace. Don’t worry everybody, we figured it all out. Franklin, Badlands & Sooey for a crowd control 5 mile run of their own. 8 socially-distant PAX set out for a traveling warm-up **Warm-UP **Moseying from the flag to the baseball field parking lot we stopped along the way for Good Mornings, Windmill, Steve Earles, SSH, and Mnt. Climbers. **Thang One [Read More]

Q Week: Day 1 Winterfell Recon

This week marks the one year anniversary of YHCs first posting with F3, and as such I am marking it with 5 Qs in 5 Days. Given all the craziness of the world, YHC feels that it is necessary to give the PAX something to rely on, a good beatdown. This week also marks the first week of the new Monday AO in WCary, Winterfell. This site will have a 0530 launch, with plenty of EC options available to the PAX. [Read More]

Q Week: Day 2 FOD

Day 2 of my Q week was a success with the PAX of WCary, giving a good showing given the current situation. Having focused on arms and shoulders the previous day, YHC wanted to give the PAX a well-balanced workout, so today’s beatdown focused elsewhere. However, due to that focus, YHC had some struggle with cadence counting the exercises today (T-Claps to Franklin for sorting it out). Warm Up: Mosey to top of the hill lot. [Read More]


At the time of this Q, I still thought Social Distance was the length you went to to post and Q outside your comfort zone - to meet and greet some new PAX. My how times change… At the helm of BH today and a decent group kept swelling with late arrivals. However, most PAX were tapering or bruising, so we were left with only 7 for the ME. And my lazy, isolated, kid-watching self is simply dropping the weinke on you. [Read More]

By The Power of Grayskull

All right, maybe not. But the GPS made an interesting pattern and there were a bunch of He-Men out at Gran Torino this AM: 10 Boot Camp, 6 Runners, and 4 Ruckers. Disclaimer disclaimed to FNG Steve Beaker’s beginnings (The Warm-Up) Mosey around the school, stopping along the way at some spots along the way for: Accelerating Side-Straddle Hops Sir-Fazio Arm Circles Wille-Mays Hayes Daisy Pickers Mountain Climbers Beaker’s Beatdown (The Thang) [Read More]

F.O.D. (Finally On-site, Da*#it)

Despite Bartman setting the bar pretty low for Site Qs (here), I still think I manage to limbo it more than hurdle it. Having missed the past two weeks at FOD due to illness and fartsackiness, I was on the hook for the Q today. Since, as the site Q, I was my own back-up, I kinda sorta had to show. I think there is a lesson here… Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-Up) [Read More]

Lexicon P, Q, R

16 PAX for a rainy day workout. Some for a run while some had to endure Lexicon P, Q, R. Welcome FNG Daniel - now called Shrubbery. Pledge Prisoner Indian Ran to lower parking lot. Warmup 10 Peter Parker 10 Plank Jacks 10 Prisoner Squat 10 Randys 10 Red Bull Smurf Jack Thang 1 Quadraphilia - 2 light poles backwards, 5 Prisoner Squats, 1 light pole forward, 5 Red Bull Smurf Jacks, Repeato Thang 2 [Read More]

Fat. Man. Relays*

When you are 5'9" and 145lbs. in high school, with most of that mass residing between your calves and waist, you have sprinter potential. Unlike some Carpexers, I prefer my running to max out at about 400yds. If I have to pace myself, it’s not really my bag, baby. The discus throwers, shot-putters et al. liked to make fun of us skinny fast dudes because of all the running we had to do while they drank beer and threw heavy stuff. [Read More]

Tributes, Domination, and Baby Bjorn Rock Carriers

So this week, YHC drives past at least two other closer AOs, down Kelly Road to Thomas Brooks park, the site of Field of Dreams. A very expansive site it is, with lots of options to travel. Therefore, we ignore all that extra space and stay within 200 yards of the flag at all times. It seems FOD is trying to take on an SNS feel, with lots of running opportunities that are either EC before the workout, or are done in place of the workout. [Read More]

South Of The Border

YHC started posting at Flying Circus when I first joined F3 in March of ’19, since moving the Durm’ I have not been back to post with Carpex but on a couple of occasions. My new year’s resolution is therefore to post and Q some of the Carpex AOs in WCary. Warm-up: 5 GM Cadence, 10 Windmills Cadence, 15 Side SHUFFLE Hops (Side Straddle Hops just sounds weird), 20 Mtn. Climbers [Read More]