Raindrops keep falling on my head

YHC planned for some music to enhance the enjoyment of the beatdown and thankfully the theme from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was not on the playlist. Since the speaker and phone were already set up on the field, a little/lotta rain wasn’t going to change my plan. No FNGs, but lots of new faces and we were off. Mozy around parking lot and enter first soccer field. Warm-up [Read More]

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

On August 2, 2017 Shakin’ not Stirred became Friday (Wednesday) Night Lights with the Carpex Fighting Fish. 29 PAX arrived for practice. Also, the Carpex cross-country team headed out with 5 in toe (sorry Ma Bell) for a Vesper’s conditioning run. First a tip of the coaching visor to Burt for the modify as needed t-shirt and the love for YHC, Hello Kitty. With fire in their bellies Coach Kitty gave a rousing pre-game speech (some got emotional), telling the team that by giving all they had on this day we would be ready to take on Bingville on Friday night. [Read More]

Day Dreaming

YHC is glad to be part of VQ week! Thanks to all the PAX that participated in FOD today. I now have a better appreciation for how much the Q has to juggle, not the least of which is catching one’s breathe while talking and exercising.

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Christmas in (almost) July

Dozens of PAX gathered on the grounds of Bond Park this morning for the second installment of YHC’s Q-o-Rama. Most were unaware that between Rip Tide’s being, in, out, in, out, in, and then out again of the Topsail convergence, YHC had pre-blasted a clear clue to today’s theme: Fa la la la la, la la la la. Warmup: SSH and jog to the field Thang: Christmas in June (because YHC is effing busy come July), Days 1-12, and then Days 12-1, all single count (because YHC is cheap) [Read More]

Wheelbarrows of fun

This a story about when 21 men went to a park. Not just any park, the best park in CARPEX. It all started the night before, when PBX encouraged everyone to roll up, roll up for a Magical Mystery Tour…..here’s what happened: Warm Up: 545 - Warm up run to near soccer pitches and oval up for 15 Good Mornings; 20 Cotton Pickers; 20 mountain climber; 20 plank jacks; 20 Hillbillies The Thangs Mosey to Soccer fields - starting at near goal line - and Partner off - size and speed matter Wheelbarrow to half way line & flapjack; Squats until everyone back then repeat-o Wheelbarrow-o; People's chair until all back Bear Crawl to 18 yd line; Run to half way; Bear Crawl to far 18 yd line; Run to goalline; Plankhold at far end of pitch Crawl Bear to 18 yd line; Backward Run to halfway; Crawl Bear to 18yd line; Backward Run to goalline; lbc's until everyone done BTTW - until everyone done & recover with run to lower crosswalk. [Read More]

Big Numbers of Little Pax - F3 Dads

60 Dads And 2.0s Posted for the First 2017 F3 Dads [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxtRgs-zGws?rel=0] YHC didn’t know what to expect when it was preblasted out to have an F3 Dads event in Carpex. Even leading up to final prep last night after the wicked thunderstorm (making a few audibles) I had ballparked it at about 24-30 total… Shows how much I know! It was AWE - SOME! I’m so proud to be a part of this group of F3 PAX. [Read More]

Baseball Bear Crawling

22 Stallions showed up for some fine work this morning. We tried to run to the fancy ball fields, they were locked. We circled up did some warmup, ran to the upper parking lot, did some bear crawl and crawl bear inchworming, then we split up in 4 teams and did some merkins, squats, burpees and sumo-squats at the corners (bases), running, bw running, crawl bearing and bear crawling between bases. [Read More]

Mutual Birthday Q - Can you smell what the ROCK is cookin'

Eagerly anticipating my VQ, I awoke at 4am and couldn’t go back to sleep. Birthday VQ, co-Q with Ma Bell, our illustrious Nan Tan. Rolled in to Bond Park about 15 minutes early to setup cones for the workout in the parking lot; realizing I could just of used the parking lots lines instead. Live and learn. Already waiting for mumblechatter regarding what the cones were for. Got my rocks set up and placed a record sized Weinke under said rocks. [Read More]

The Best Cure for Three Days Travelling...

…is absolutely not 100 lbs. of blueberries. It’s that little smile that creeps unbidden to your face when you realize that you have the Q the following morning and can unleash the pent up fury and frustration of three days of - driving, lines, bad eating, a flat pillow, and a 2-year-old that more closely resembles the Banshee from Darby O’Gill and the Little People than the adorable baby you once knew - on an unsuspecting PAX. [Read More]

Vacation...Paincation, Shooter's Choice

For the PAX that thought they might squeeze in a leisurely extra workout or two before Memorial Day, there was no leisure to be found. It’s officially swimsuit season and YHC wanted the PAX in their best shape. If you’re wondering if the season has started due to warmer weather or the torrential downpours, yes. Regardless, there was enough of a break for 21 PAX, including one FNG, to receive a thorough beatdown [Read More]