Very Slippery

20 great men got up and came out to SWW. We did a slow jog around parking lot to a warm up, standard 23 Merkins for Gibson, 10 Windmills and 10 PlankJacks. We ran over to Hill on Kildare, we did 5 Carolina Dry Docks on every other light pole. Then we did some hill sprints and some LBC’s, back to picnic shelter for some Frey Daddy Speed Racers. We did 15 dips followed by 1 lap, then 2 and finished with 3 laps. [Read More]

Service Before Self

10 November 2018 – the day before Veterans Day and YHC was ready to lead a bootcamp for the ages to pay honor and tribute to our Nation’s warriors who have worn the uniform to defend freedom at home and abroad. I knew I needed stronger men than myself to lead this epic beatdown, and so I literally called in the Troops. Here’s how it went down, keeping in mind that the pax were well equipped with weight vests and ruck sacks, and 2 men at all times carried a log c/o of our brother Bartman (who was out Rucking his ass off at a tough… what a beast). [Read More]


Pre-Blast 10 HIM joined YHC for 2.8 miles at A-Team The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the gravel lot, paint the lines on the way. Circle up for: Good Mornings, SirFazio, Burpees, Prisoner Squats, Merkins, Frog Ups, Star Jumps. The Thang****s Deconstructed Burpee Double Hill Double Sevens: From the gravel lot, run to the bottom of hill 1 for 1 Prisoner Squat, run back up to the gravel lot for 1 Merkin, run to the bottom of hill 2 for 6 Frog Ups, run back up to the gravel lot for 6 Star Jumps. [Read More]

Star Power at the Pavilion

AO: Slippery When Wet QIC: Bayonne October 26,2018 Weather forecast: Seriously gloomy… rain and 44 degrees. Perfect weather for a trip to Lochmere Pavilion. 5 HIM rallied for the default 0510 EC fellowship run ‘round Symphony Lake to warm up, while the other 11 pax emerged from the sack. 8:06 average for 3.1 with Chipper and Joe Smith felt fast… until compared to Denali and Chanticleer, who apparently lapped us. [Read More]

A String of (Back in) Black Pearls

11 HIMs braved the coldest morning this fall morning at the finest Thursday AO in Carpex east of Hwy 64. YHC has a tendancy to make every workout high tempo, so I tried to tone it back a bit this morning. I did fail to brief the FNG before we got started, however I had confidence Bayonne had provided ample discussion during the EH’ing process. 5:15 (Feels so good to type that! [Read More]

Chilly Recovery Jog, Yawn. 10-22-18

13 showed up on time for Kryptonite. It was a bit cool at around 37° on the Tundra thermometer. The Warm-up - Jog to the stoplight for some GMs and some Hill Billies. The Thang - Intervals - Run up Ederlee drive, giving 90+ percent for 2 light poles and then jogging for 1 light pole. Repeat till you get to the stoplight. Yes, the one at Penny Road. Yes, all the way up to Penny Road. [Read More]

Crazy Eight Waterfall and BJ Derkins

4 for the EC run. First morning of the Fall the was brisk. It was a nice change and I maybe should have worn my gloves. 11 for the main event. Oofta pulled in just in time. Warm Up - Reverse Shut In warm up. 25 SSH, 20 Merkins, 15 IW, 10 GM Half Dora at the Shelter - Partner up for 50 Box Jump Derkins as Term Paper called them. [Read More]

Q-ing from the Sidelines

Flirting with Disaster was my first F3 post last August and I knew that I wanted my VQ to be here as well. It was a full circle as Joe Smith had his VQ at my first post and he was out there with us this morning. My goal was to cover some ground and avoid running in the pitch black (towards the bridge) as I didn’t know how may headlamps we would have amongst us. [Read More]


Kryponite was my 1st Carpex Post so why not go back to where it all started for my VQ to see how much I have improved from that cold January beat down. The adrenaline/nerves were high as we started 30 seconds early with a mosey to the large parking lot by the Koka booth entrance. I had one thing in mind for the 14 PAX who joined me on this adventure and that was high tempo. [Read More]

A Vanilla Birthday Bomb

I tried. Really, I did. I posted to Slack that it would be a workout devoid of anything interesting. There would be nothing to encourage anyone to show up. But people did anyway. 13 stalwarts with absolutely nothing else to do this morning yawned there way through an utterly vanilla workout. I was kinda hoping to stand around till 6 AM and then hit the Starbucks but at some point someone said, “Hey, is there anything going on in the park? [Read More]