Dreamin' of DangerZone

YHC/QIC rolled up to Danger Zone to see 13 men awaiting in the Gloom. True Gloom too: moderately dense fog settling over the men and the shovel flag, and mild cool brisk air. I really needed to consult with one of the site Qs, but alas, there was no sight Q in site. Burt exclaimed he was an old site Q and offered his guidance. I was unsure if he utilized the adjective “old” meaning ‘former’ or ‘age’, but nonetheless I absolutely declined any guidance from Burt. [Read More]

Kings of the Hill

8/28/17: 64 degrees, limited humidity, 29 men for a little hill work this AM. Flag planted at the gate. One FNG. Forgot my cape and boxing gloves. We are off to the ball field parking lot for a warm up. Warm Up GMs x 10 (you’re welcome Nature Boy) SSHs x 52 Jog over to the top of the grass hill under the power lines 5 Burpees, OYO Mosey to the bottom of the hill Thang 1 [Read More]

Rock out with your ruck out

A confluence of circumstances conspired to germinate the 9/2 Phoenix workout, including: My observation that nobody had signed up to Q the day before The holiday weekend, with plenty of PAX expressing beach-bound intentions, making YHC think that the recent trend of impressive Phoenix numbers would experience a temporary reversal Rucking permanently on the brain, but more so as of late Hello Kitty’s expressed desire to do something other than run My seeking to justify to the M the purchase of yet another ruck My desire to fartsack until 0630 rather than pre-ruck at 0545. [Read More]

What's a celebration merkin?

With Yogi on the sideline (rest well sweet Prince) the run-and-gun (hold on that run) duo of Hello Kitty and Pierogi were the next men up to lead an All-American beat down at Danger Zone. Warmup: Kitty led the PAX for a warmup lap around the pickle at a noticeably low-slow tempo. Circle up in honor of the 10-year anniversary of the Mighty Mountaineers defeating the #5 ranked Michigan Wolverines IN THE FRIGGIN’ BIG HOUSE, 34-32: [Read More]

More Burpees Than Planned

PAX: 19 (FNG Lite-Brite) Excited to hit up some BO this morning. YHC has been on the low low when it comes to Q-ing so I’m happy to get back in the game. With all of the new AOs the opportunity to lead a workout can only increase! So just as my Twitter #PB announced I arrived at 0530 for some #TTT. Stretched for quite a bit before the next cars mosey’d onto the lot. [Read More]

"It's Good To Be Alive Today"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjELo3fmS-M Early this morning, before YHC laced up his brand-new sneakers, there was a post on GroupMe from the ‘Man’Tan himself, MaBell. MaBell reminded me of my mom, who always would call/send me a message the morning of someone’s birthday/anniversary: “hey sweetie, call ___________, it’s their birthday today”. Anyhoo, MaBell declared that today, August 30, was the official 4th anniversary of CarPex. He went on to praise some of the OGs of CarPex, and remind us to swell their heads for setting a foundation for what is soon to be 14-15 AOs across Cary-Apex. [Read More]

Pet Rock

Pre-BB One of my spiritual fathers often reminds me: “When life feels heavy, you’re probably carrying something that God doesn’t want you to carry. When you don’t have grace for what you’re carrying, it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.” I have walked through seasons of heaviness many, many times. Maybe you have too? When I’ve prayed into the source of the heaviness, I’ve discovered: unforgiveness toward others, a lack of trust in God, misalignment between my call and my vocation, and more. [Read More]

A little while back...

8/7/17: YHC led 25 men on a glorious, clear morning at the Apex Community Park. As usual, the gate was close so the PAX began to gather on the sidewalk while Hopspot frantically searched for the morning’s Q. Have no fear Hopspot, YHC was only stretching. 1 Minute warning goes out, no FNGs (insert frowning emoticon face), no disclaimer, wrist clock strikes 0545 hours and the PAX is off. Warm-Up [Read More]

1 Year of F3 Bliss

Rewind to 1 year back. YHC was a newish dad who had recently moved to Apex. Suddenly, my life looked very different than all that I had known. I found myself pouring so much into my family and our new home that I left little for my own personal growth and development. My physical fitness was suffering, my emotional health was suffering; and without a happy me, my family was suffering. [Read More]

Big Surprise!

25 PAX denied the fartsack Saturday morning to put in some hard work with their brothers. It was clear, low 70’s, and perfect #schweaty weather. YHC knew he was Q’ing Phoenix the entire week, but when M.Callahan was told of it Thursday evening, the plan needed to be changed. And since it was a surprise for YHC, it would be a surprise for all the PAX. YHC teased the PAX on twitter claiming that a world-class surprise would be revealed the last 15 minutes of the Saturday beatdown. [Read More]