2nd Time Around

Shank put out the APB for a Q on Sunday night. YHC perused the work calendar for a moment, and heeded the call. I was set for my 2nd ever Q on Thursday at BO, but in retrospect I’m glad it came a couple of days early. Monday, being President’s Day, provided the rare opportunity to double dip for an AO survey and an outing with my 2.0. The last few weeks have been bittersweet on that front - my M is 36 and a half weeks along with our 2. [Read More]

A Toast to the HIM of Carpex

YHC became Texas Ranger on February 18, 2017 at Bond Park in Cary. Thanks to Ollie for an awesome F3 name, more cool than what I deserve. So, anniversary Q, here’s how it went: Pre warm-up: YHC announced his anniversary Q and invited the PAX to stick around after COT for a toast to the HIM of Carpex, with a little Powerade, water, and um, Scotch (The Glenlivet, my favorite). [Read More]

Rucker see, rucker do

Rolling Stone 2/15/18 at BO YHC had a plan for Rolling Stone today, I swear.. but I also had a feeling that it might be a good day to join Banjo. And so it was. While the rest of the group paired up to complete sets of 100, the three of us split up the work in thirds. It seemed a fair trade with the addition of 30 (or 45) pounds. [Read More]

Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me.

4 Years of ACCOUNTABILITY. Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me Where: BO When: 2/15/18 22 PAX: Banjo, Bartman, Biner, Burt, Callahan, CheddarBo, Chinese Downhill, Disco Duck, Jigglypuff, Joe Smith, Katniss, Lite Brite, Moped, Netscape, Pickles, PBX, Rio, Saban, Shank, Tecumseh, Term Paper, WKRP 10 burpees OYO Warmup: SSH, Imperial walker, windmills, mountain climbers, merkins Jog to parking deck and back with stops on the way for accountability work [2 Men complete 100 total reps of first exercise, taking turns, 10 count at a time, while other pax holds second position] [Read More]


After returning home from the Oak City Recovery Run Club block party on Tuesday night, I sat with the M watching the Bachelor Winter Games (because I suppose that’s more entertaining than the quadrennial actual winter games), looking at a map of Bond Park, and perusing the exicon and this fine F3 nation page. It was a 2 hour show. We are diehard Bachelor fans (cc: @AndrewPass and @AP013 on Twitter). [Read More]

51 is the Magic Number

There’s an ongoing Slack-o-sphere “discussion” over the #1 AO in all of Carpex. I’ll admit, YHC has stirred the pot just a bit over this one. The primary goal for the February 9, 2018 edition of Dante’s Peak was to show the glorious versatility and overall excellence of what I consider to be THE top destination for PAX of Carpex. So let’s get on with it. Solid group of HIMs (HIDAs? [Read More]

1/24/18 - TheMaynard and some clean feet

Well there were about 8 or 9 HC’s on the Slack channel for the pre-blasts. Turns out we had 23 run the 10.7 miles for The Maynard or as our Nantan apparently wants to call it: The May May. We also had 1 legendary servant leader: Shut-in volunteering to wash our feet, I mean serve as our course manager/swag waggon/emotional support/cooler retriever/safety official/cheerleader/mentor/and all around High Impact Man! If you are not sharpened by his Iron then you are doing it wrong. [Read More]

Rolling Stone @ BO 1/11/18

Bartman and Katniss joined 20 other #HIM getting themselves better at BO this fine morning. While the bootcampers workout toured some of Cary’s finest establishments, the ruckers set out on their own path… East on Chatham St toward the roundabout. Stop there for 50x flutter kicks IC, rucks overhead. About face, head back toward Academy. Slight detour to run around Bond Bros 1x with the group. Head South on Academy to the fountain (still with chunks of ice in the middle! [Read More]

Thirsty Thursday Pub Crawl

Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the digital emotional headlock. The Twitters were damn near frozen last week, but alas YHC and Riptide were able to talk FNG Ted into making his debut at BO (nickname to come in NMS). With that YHC set out to introduce him to Carpex’s flagship AO with a tour of the local watering holes. So a pub crawl it is. Warm-up: Mosey to the bank to take out some cash for our pub crawl After Coney dropped the ball (we did some good mornings), McCants stepped up to the “how much money do we need to go out drinking” with a healthy “$60, aye! [Read More]


Ab-stract: existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. Fear and Trepidation- Gotta admit it fellas, SNS is like the Holy Grail (okay, wrong AO, that’s Flying Circus) of Carpex workouts (sorry DZ) to me. So much going on here on Wednesday mornings, that over the last 2.5 years YHC has been constantly growing more and more nervous about the possibility of ever Q’ing this site. [Read More]