Carpex Triple down

‘Twas a chilly morning for the first annual Carpex Triple Down featuring a Ruck, F3 Phoenix, and FiA Moneypenny. Then there was also F3 Dads to boot (yes, that’s how you spell it; it’s not ’ta boot’ or ’taboot’ or any other of the bastardized versions I’ve seen afloatin’ around the interwebs). But I digress. YHC rolled in at t0 with some B-52s rocking the ol pickup. A few minutes later (we’ll call it t1) 12ish of us embarked on a cluster ruck (Triple Down Part 1) while a few others embarked on some runs. [Read More]

Rocks, Rocks and more Rocks

Was enjoying chatting up the group when suddenly it was time to go - one burpee OYO i called and then follow me. FIrst Moore came up to me and was very concerned about where we were headed as his FNG had not yet arrived. Dont worry i assured him as we rounded the corner to the back of the parking lot as i had every intention of staying in the exact same parking lot for our warm up. [Read More]

The 2018 Odyssey: It’s a Journey, Not a Race

In CARPEX, we have a saying “if there’s no Back Blast then either it was a Riptide Q or it didn’t happen”. But the Odyssey did happen (I have the t-shirt to prove it) and so it must to go down into the annals of CARPEX so that someday future generations will read about it and ask themselves “What the #*@(#* were those morons thinking?!?!!” So what the #*@(#* were we thinking? [Read More]

A Near-Maximum Effort

Late last night as YHC was preparing to go downtown Apex to celebrate a friends Bday Hello Kitty DMs me and proposes the idea that we split up the pax where he Q them for half the workout and YHC would have the other half then we switch. Knowing I was not going downtown to drink milk the idea of a little help was attractive. The birthday was appropriately celebrated and YHC was left with just a few hours to sleep it off before my Q. [Read More]

7's and Laps

YHC’s second Q this week started with a solo EC Run on some poorly lit, no sidewalk-having roads. It reminded me a bit of the BRR…..dark…quiet….not another soul in sight. Wait, did I miss a turn? I must admit, despite the warnings from others that there’s no good EC option at FMJ, I only saw two cars on this run, and they were easily avoided. A brisk 4 miles and back in time to check out the new playground equipment, though we weren’t going to use it today…. [Read More]


30+ Pax found a way to get to Bond Park Senior Center today between the hours of 0430 and 0545. Some arrived that early for #TheMaynard, others a little later for #Insomnia, and picking up the 6 were those ready for a #Beatdown or a #Vesper run. For those that couldn’t make it a new(ish) F3 Lexicon word was discovered by YHC during a recent 43Feet podcast. Some guys faced certain circumstances; work, family, scheduling, issues and had to fartsack. [Read More]

Tour de’ Nature – Bell Style!

When: October 15th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Billy, Ausfarht, Kubota, Pickles, WWW, Ezekiel, Monkey Nut, Pet Sounds, Theismann, Trike, The Joker, Bartman, Intimidator, Sour Mash, Red Ryder, Clementine, FNG: Ummagumma, YHC Earhart Checking the night before none of esteemed HIM had signed up to Q this great AO so I had to check the Q Bible on what to do. Rule #713: When no one signs up to Q, the responsibility falls on the Site Q to pick it up. [Read More]

If the glove don't fit...

18 of Carpex’s finest HIMs arrived in the finally crisp fall morning hours at North Cary Park for a Doogie VQ adventure. Mumblechatter was at its finest with Burt in tow especially after I gave him free reign to speak his mind since he named me 4 months ago at Wolverine (spoiler alert). Unfortunately for Burt he needed to be reigned back in only a few minutes later… After a nice jog around the pickle we completed the following: [Read More]

Cherries and Pain Sticks

Pre-Blast This being my virgin Q and my first time at SNS, I truly appreciate all the support and advice from the PAX. Special thanks go to Angry Elf for the pep talk the night before and for planning the Thang with the pain sticks. I do wish I had made it to Q school. It is amazing how much I didn’t pick-up naturally from two months of just doing the workouts. [Read More]

I Did It All for the Koozie

They say good things come to those who wait. Who are they? The PAX? The Q? 24 gathered to find out for a VQ that was a long time coming. YHC awoke at 0420 for a 0530 VQ approx 4 minutes away. Alrighty then. Arrived early to off load the pain sticks and found FNG Daniel alone in the parking lot with his car and an empty black BMW. PAX piled in the small lot, disclaimer was given, and off we went. [Read More]