Reverse Bear Crawls, no cheatin', Kinda Frightnin'

Mosey over to the Publix parking lot and circle up to warm up. Various warm-up exercises including runner stretch and pigeon pose. Mosey over to the lowest point on Green Level Church Road. Run to the top of the hill towards Olive Chapel Road, stopping at every power pole (6 or 7) for five burpees, adding 10 merkins at the top, run to the bottom and repeat, pick up the six. [Read More]

Free Lunch's VQ Smokefest at Danger Zone

DATE: 9/20/19 QIC: FREE LUNCH AO: DANGER ZONE PAX: FREE LUNCH, PRESS ON, BANJO, BURT, VIKING, PIEROGI, FNG OLD TUFFY Finally fed up with my poor attendance record despite their failed efforts of begging, pleading, daily reminders, offers to buy an alarm clock for me, and constant flexing when nearby to demonstrate what regular attendance can do for you, Flip Flop and Pierogi decided to kick their scheme into high gear. [Read More]

Cousin Co-Q Na’mean

The first cousin co-q (correct me if I’m wrong) was led on 8/15/19, where Speed Racer took the PAX from the window and Peeping Tom brought us round to the wall. Warm Up Speed Racer called time and we moseyed to the bank where MARY was: IC:20x - SSH - High Knees - Windmills - Imperial Walkers Then, because most of us could use a little more stretching: IC:10x - Warm Up Squats [Read More]

Exicon ABC

43 in attendance. 3 Ruckers, 16 Bootcampers, bunch of runners including those that ran the Maynard. What a way to start off “hump day”…in the doom and gloom of SNS. I am starting a series called Exicon ABC. We will be using exercises from those three (or sometimes 4) letters of the alphabet until we complete the alphabet. Today was ABC. Warm up Abe Vigoda Alternating shoulder taps in a plank position Annie (Arm circles from a plank position) Thang 1 [Read More]

Enough of all this BRR talk

BRR this, BRR that. I too am guilty, but today we took a break from all this mumble to settle in for a hard working day at FWD. 5 HIDAs launched for a team training run and the boot campers were on our way. Oh, 1 FNG who was properly disclaimed too during warm-ups including the 5 core principles w/ a burpee in between each one, to boot. Warm-up: Over to the circle for ball weaves Good morning SSH Sir Fazio + Seal + Overhead + Sir Fazio Quick feet + curb merkins on 10 and 15 counts The Thang: [Read More]

What's a Coupon?

QIC: Parker; AO: The Green Mile; Date: 3 Aug 2019 11 HIM gathered at 0600 to figure out what the pre-blast of “bring a favorite coupon if you have one” was all about. Biner brought a 60 lb Sandbag, and I brought the rest. A couple of guys admitted to searching around the junk drawer in the gloom for some little slips of paper, but suffice it to say that by the end of the workout they were well acquainted with the F3 Exicon definition of “coupon”. [Read More]

Pressure cooker

Always feel the pressure Q’ing at Krypto, probs because YHC ends up leading from the 6 at this AO. Regardless… LET’S GO! Warm-up: Out and over to a little side cut out by the trail for: Tappy Taps, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazios and Seal clap The Thang: Over across the street to the bottom of the hill Triple-5’s: 5 laps up and down with 5 Mountain Climbers at the top and 5 CDD’s at the bottom Round of LBC Across the street and Indian run back around the lake Stop at the bridge for 5 sets across the bridge, bear crawl over and lunge back Nan’tan: TY4YL Back to Indian run to the flag An AYG around the pickle Mary and COT: 20 deep, YHC took us out [Read More]

What goes UP, must get STRONGER

YHC arrives early to get in EC run, but not feeling it, opting instead for community service and picking up trash at the skate park. Anyone want a cooler? No FNGs, met Mud Buddy, good to see Lookout drinking the Kool Aid, Garfield leads us through the pledge, gloves are optional, we’re off. Run, not mosey, to Jones Carey Park with stop on the way to warmup with various exercises including pigeon stretch. [Read More]


19 PAX, including some strong mother-ruckers, gathered round the flag at Green Hope Elementary in search of their morning Fs. It was a chatty group, so while the ruckers headed off on their journey, the rest of us moseyed around the trail to the other side of the big athletic field. But first, Hi-Liter met the challenge of reciting the mission of F3. The disclaimer was referenced, and allegiance was pledged. [Read More]

Friday, Fellowship, and Faith

17 Pax were out and ready for a solid beatdown. Partially true. Their were 17 pax there. But what started out as a fitness test quickly turned into a fellowship-pace-fitness-test-cluster. But that’s what F3 is about. It’s more than a workout and sometimes the workout is secondary to just being out there in the gloom with your bros. We got in a great beatdown, thanks to Callahan’s 3yr old “fitness test” he created but most of all we just had fun. [Read More]