On Monday this week, Slim Shady made me a deal that if I Qed Lion’s Den, he would go ahead and get on the Q sheet for Wild Wild West. So here we are. I had thought about just running back last week’s Back In Black Q, but that seemed like cheating and then the M decided last night was a good time to take down the Christmas decorations, so I never did get a chance to put the thought I wanted to into the plan, but BLIMPS was close enough to last week so there it was. [Read More]

Pee-wee's Big Adventure

Weather: clear, brisk 29 degrees. Scene at 5:43 a.m.: 16 dudes gathered around (a couple even performed Insomnia before the Main Event). YHC was standing in the center of the circle on his used-new Flip Flop door mat gifted from Burt. One of the 16 dudes was FNG Anthony, EH’d by Captain Kirk, who rode in on his 10 speed. There stood FNG Anthony; holding a water bottle, and dressed very warmly in 4 layers up top, and 3 layers down low (as you would if you just biked in 29 degree weather). [Read More]

Hi Liter, "All Running" YHC, "I don't think so"

First Thursday of the month is a running workout, yeah i missed that one. Pledge, head to White Tiger for warm up. SSH and various stretches. Pre Thing. 75% to James Jackson, 10 Merkins, run back, 20 backwards lunge. Thing. At the creek on Maynard, 75% to Weatherstone, 10 Merkins, run back, 20 backwards lunge or 10 low squats - alternating; 7 round trips. Return to flag, 50 four count LBCs. [Read More]

Prime time

Not that type of Prime. Warm up 1 x jog around the pickle. (Is 1 a prime? Apparently not - we’ll get to that later). 19 x SSH: At this point things started to get rocky. Lots of mumblechatter spread evenly between the 5 other PAX clouded their counting ability. 7 reverse lunges per side: Rockier. Should have said stay one one leg for 7 then switch. 11 tempo merkins, 3 down 1 up. [Read More]

50 is the new...

In celebration of YHC turning into a “Respect” — I was joined by 14 others, starting with call for FNG’s, and a very short disclaimer on F3. Turn to the flag for The Pledge Mozy to BB Court for warm up: Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio Arm Circles Overhead Clap Good Mornings Thang 1: Mozy to the stairs & count off “ 1’s & 2’s” Round 1 1’s run the pickle, down the path and up the stairs while 2’s did merkins. [Read More]

Hidden Agenda

17 pax: Banjo, Bootlegger, Disco duck, Earhart, Headroom, Hummus, Juicy Fruit, Kool-Aid, Peeping Tom, Ramsey, Side Out, Slim Shady, Snooki, Steaks, Theismann, Triple Lindy, Wahoo, Warmup 2 line Indian run around the front of church, back to flag, and then various warmup exercises and active stretching. ME. Though the men did not know it, the following exercises are ones elite trail runners use that don’t live in mountainous terrain. Two line Indian run to the planter boxes, grab a partner. [Read More]

Swinging Pipes

Beautiful crisp morning. YHC always trying to mix it up a bit and try new things and working to incorporate more stretching and mobility to keep me of the IR . Most of the Warmama was using PVC Pipes to get upper body loose for the Merkins and Pull Ups that awaited the PAX. Some liked it, some looked confused. Warmarama (5) Side Straddle Hop 12 Hillbillies (Hip Opener) 12 [Read More]

1,085 reps if you were keeping track (a couple of you were not)

Big props to Build-A-Bear, Banjo, Headroom, Lookout & Chops for their 0345 launch of a 10 mile EC run. A few normal HIM did a regular 3 mile EC run at 0500 0530 - 4 runners - 24 bootcampers - 1 rucker & a dog **Warm-Up **Mosey for some Good Morning, Windmill, Mnt. Climber, Steve Earle **Thang 1 **Doracides- Partner Up for 100 CDD; 200 Squats; 300 LBCs; 400 SSH [Read More]

Back in the Saddle

I’ve been trying to decide when i was ready to Q again and noticed a BO opening so figure that would be a great opp to get back in the saddle again. Solid group of 19 gathered in the parking lot ready to do some work. Burt recites the abbreviated version of the F3 mission and we are off. Mozy to random parking lot near the train tracks for a brief warm with no merkins, but with a on point Nature Boy Good Morning call. [Read More]

Not to disappoint...

Beige I get a little anxious when it comes to Qing “High Tempo” workouts. Will I get enough miles in? There’s a certain group of Pax among us that expect a certain mileage minimum for such workouts. But will there be enough variety for the rest of the Pax? Well, I attempted to come up with a plan that would appease all, but wouldn’t you know it, at 0530 that certain group was nowhere to be found anyway. [Read More]