Acid for the Children

Roll up with 90 seconds to spare. Plenty of time to put the sneakers on and maybe even lace them up! No shovel flag? No bother. Just pledge to the tallest shovel flag in all of CARPEx over the fire station next door. Mosey over for Warmup in the gravel lot that is the Apex Farmer’s Market. Warm-up Let’s start slow to give me time to come up with something. What’s nice and easy and requires no brain cells? [Read More]

SNS 4/14/21

35(ish) PAX converged at Bond Park for a pick-your-own-adventure sorta day. Some ran. Some rucked. Some beast-ed. And some did a little bit of all that. But I can only speak to what the bootcampers did. Some other hero will need to fill you in on what happened with the ruckers and runners. 5:44am, YHC hollered at the PAX to find a partner. A dull buzz filled the air as the PAX wondered whether YHC had actually planned a Q *gasp*. [Read More]

SLT Meeting: 4/6/21

It was Tuesday, April 6 in the year two thousand and twenty one at 0530. YHC peeled into the parking lot at the Bojangles on 64 next to the Toyota dealership. I was almost late. Rounding the corner, most of my peers were still outside getting ready to breach the doors of the restaurant. I knew a handful would get in line to grab coffee and a biscuit while the rest of the gentlemen waited until after our meeting. [Read More]

Speedwork. Loop de LOOM (has wheels)

Several trips around the pickle to warmup. Backwards, side skip, karaoke, regular then warmup This idea is from F3 Lehigh Valley’s UPTOWN GIRL to work on speedwork. Break into groups of 2 groups of 3. On Davis Drive, each group jogs two lights poles while 1 member of group AYG to second light pole, returned to pax and continue to second pole. At pole, 10 leg kick Merkins*. Repeato till Waldo Rood Rd. [Read More]

Last but not left behind

An amazing morning for a solid run and broga with Carpex’s finest HIM. Sure I was the “The 6” this day, but 1. I’m happy to have completed the entire course. 2. The pack came back to pick me up. I consider that a win. The Route: South on Louis Stephens Drive West onto Morrisville pkwy North onto Davis Drive West onto Morrisville Carpenter Road South on Louis Stephens Drive Yoga Thangs Standing position - Bent over at waist. [Read More]

Run, Pull-ups, and Burpees

Mosey around school. Warmup 5 pull ups, run to Louis Stephens, repeat x 10 Louis Stephens, run to Heritage Pines Drive, 5 double Merkin burpees at each light pole. 5 man geese run back to the flag. 5 pull ups, run to Louis Stephens, repeat x 10 Mosey to shelter for Mary, heels to heaven x 20 ic, heel touches x 30 ic, lbc x 40 ic. Mosey back to flag. [Read More]

Not Welcome Here

17 PAX gather in the brisk cool morning for a traveling Earhart workout. Good too see a mix of Apex and West Cary HIM to help YHC through a new workout in a new location. Gather the PAX at the flag for a pledge then start with walking down the path, high knees and butt kickers; with advancing age trying to start out a workout with a little warm for the warm. [Read More]

Good teams set standards and goals, GREAT TEAMS are accountable for results

Beaker gave Ice Man the disclaimer, he was named at a Bible study, but this is his first post. Pledge then warmup: SSH, Imperial Walker, windmills, stretches. Accountability partner up. Mosey to Sweetwater and back with stops in route to do the following, P1 number reps first exercise while P2 continues second exercise, flapjac number X. Burpees/Low plank hold - 5 reps 4x Star jumps/Low Squat hold - 20 reps 4x [Read More]


This BB only exists so that some eager Q can post a bigger number in the header.

In the meantime, six runners and one rucker posted in the snow and did their best to over >4.5 miles and >450'.

COT: 7 fantastic dudes three some snowballs at Selfie-Liter

The Pain of Victory

YHC generally likes to plan a pattern or theme to Q’s to aid in poor memory and develop some flow within the workout. Today’s inspiration cam from Monday nights College Football National Championship game. A high scoring game with some ok decently suited acronyms laid the ground work for an Q. But I couldn’t remember the order of scoring and TD vs FG so I arrived at Hot for Teacher a little early with some sidewalk chalk in hand to sketch out my weinke along the path. [Read More]