Sprained Ankles and Lost Panties

Nekkid’ Mole Skin: The title of this BB was going to be Water Boarded (thanks to @shutincarpex), but didn’t quite have that oomph to it. You see, after the workout this morning at Kryptonite (which by the way one of the PAX called this workout the best ever at Kryptonite), as we were 2nd F’in at #Trunkaterria (thanks Wonderbread!), we were discussing how Schlitz fell down during the lateral shuffle Pyramid Gassers, then Schlitz told us this story of why his ankle is a bit unstable: Schlitz says that he and his M were on vacation…Aruba or somewhere like that…. [Read More]

Stand By Your Man

YHC doesn’t post at 0515 workouts every week - the times I have, the numbers have been, shall we say, non-problematic. However, on this particular Halloween morning there are 17 PAX, including 2 FNGs, up and at ’em at Koka Booth. Time to move. Warm Up Mosey to the big parking lot, circle up and warm up. SSHs and some other stuff, finish off with 5 CF merkins. The Thang Partner up for Tammy Wynette intervals: Partner 1 completes 20 Merkins while Partner 2 completes 20 squats, then flip flop. [Read More]

YogaMat Loves Cinder Blocks

7 HIDA’s showed up after Pre Blast warning that it was going to be Leg Day. Started off with Pledge of Allegiance and them Mosey to adjacent parking lot where all of the cool toys were hiding. Warmarama • Good mornings 10 • Side Straddle Hop 12 • Hillbillies 12 • Fazio Arm Circles 10 each direction • Air Squats 15 • Freddie Mecuries -12 Thang 1 Weighted Tire Pull Each Pax takes turn at pulling weighted tire around pickle while we do the following exercises with coupons: Each round is repeated until Pax returns from tire pull • Single Leg Deadlift (5 each side) Rinse Repeat until Pax form Tire Pull returns • Curls 12-10-8-6-4-2 • Deep squats 12-10-8…. [Read More]

Post Odyssey Krypto

If it’s after a weekend event that is likely to have worn the PAX out, it means YHC has signed up for the Kryptonite Q. Did the post-BBR Q last year & had signed up for the post-Carying Place Q this year as well. So nothing different this year with the Odyssey just behind us. A nice easy Krypto to bring the legs back is just up YHC’s alley. But then last night I got to worrying that with most of the guys avoiding Flip’s Krypto Q last week for relaxation with Franklin there could be a pent up demand for miles and miles. [Read More]

First Q After VQ Week

Sometime during VQ week, I noticed that the Kryptonite spot was open for the following week. Boom, chicken soup. Got it. 17 others showed up, and most of the pre workout discussions centered on how no one feared my Qs anymore. 17 is more than I am used to. I would set my PAX over/under at 10.5. And i have had a few last minute fill ins Qs the have upped that to double digits. [Read More]

Odyssey Prep

Honestly, I had no plan when I started out yesterday morning other than to provide a solid beat down. After a quick pledge we were off to the lower parking lot. Why? Because I seem to always start there. Warm up Circle up for: Good Mornings Burpees to calm the mumble chatter SSH Sir Fazio Arm Circles Seal claps Some more burpees Mountain climbers During the warm up, Callahan commented that he had completed many burpees this week. [Read More]

BRR 2020 - work begins now

YHC grabbed the Q at Kryponite on the first Monday post BRR 2019 hoping to have the runners out again but only Hello Kitty and Wonderbread were brave enough to post on the Monday morning after running parts of 200 miles in the mountains. My driver (Miss Daisy) or Nature Boy was coming in slow today so we rolled in at 5:28 and got quickly to work. Two laps of the pickle then some warm up that included, GM, IW, MC and R/L stretch. [Read More]

The Triple Nickel

It’s BRR Season, and that means hills and excessive (debatable) running at most AO’s, especially if you’re not on a BRR team. Today was no exception, and 13 studs posted at the earliest AO in all of Carpex this warm, muggy morning, several of whom just ran the Maynard the day before. I remember when Recovery-sacking was customary after a Maynard. Those good ‘ole days were just last year! I wanted to ensure I was prepared, so in the event a pax or two were just adamantly opposed to doing the BRR Prep workout, I had something special for them, though I advised against it. [Read More]

What's a Coupon?

QIC: Parker; AO: The Green Mile; Date: 3 Aug 2019 11 HIM gathered at 0600 to figure out what the pre-blast of “bring a favorite coupon if you have one” was all about. Biner brought a 60 lb Sandbag, and I brought the rest. A couple of guys admitted to searching around the junk drawer in the gloom for some little slips of paper, but suffice it to say that by the end of the workout they were well acquainted with the F3 Exicon definition of “coupon”. [Read More]

Pressure cooker

Always feel the pressure Q’ing at Krypto, probs because YHC ends up leading from the 6 at this AO. Regardless… LET’S GO! Warm-up: Out and over to a little side cut out by the trail for: Tappy Taps, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazios and Seal clap The Thang: Over across the street to the bottom of the hill Triple-5’s: 5 laps up and down with 5 Mountain Climbers at the top and 5 CDD’s at the bottom Round of LBC Across the street and Indian run back around the lake Stop at the bridge for 5 sets across the bridge, bear crawl over and lunge back Nan’tan: TY4YL Back to Indian run to the flag An AYG around the pickle Mary and COT: 20 deep, YHC took us out [Read More]