From Florence to Flora

If you’re like most of us much of your time, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energy has been spent either preparing for, getting through or rebound from Hurricane Florence. And rightfully so. One of the great things about F3 is that it allows us to escape from the daily stresses and toil in a whole other way. This is how we went from Florence to Flora. Pledge of Allegiance Quick mosey that found us running backwards and high kneeing because I knew Frisco was enjoying himself too much. [Read More]

Hanging with My Hose

Hanging with my hose This BB is bought to you courtesy of Carl Schreiber, 42, @Frisco While planning the birthday Q for the best limited run workout AO in CARPEX, Mr. @Frisco DM’d me that he had some extra hoses hanging around. Initially, YHC had concerns about taking him up on his offer to use his hoses but decided to take a chance. Hey, it’s my birthday Q, what could go wrong? [Read More]

Rocking the Kettle Bells

Rocking the Kettle Bells Nothing fancy. Kinda vanilla but any vanilla workout with 80’s rock music is all good. YHC went back to the good old days of rock and pulled out 10 all time favorite songs so we could rock the bells at Hells Bells. On the musical agenda were: Journey - Wheel in the Sky Bob Seger - Night Moves (Mandatory for Disco Duck) Guns N Roses - Sweet Child of Mind Heart - Barracuda Ozzy - Crazy Train Boston - More than a feeling Queen - Fat Bottomed Girls ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin' [Read More]

Get Off My Lawn

Because it’s was my birthday Q and I’m old and that’s what PBX tells me I sound like. Anyways, arrived early to scout out the AO to find about 15 HIM already working the ECP. By 5:30 21 PAX were ready to go and Crimson had already started complaining. He knew what was to come. Warm Up • Good Mornings x 10 • SSH x 53 Thang 1 Split into 5 groups. [Read More]

KB Beatdown

My first Q for Hells Bells. Focus was on HIIT with brief rest intervals. I may have rigged the timer to make the 20 seconds longer and the 10 second rest shorter. Warm up Mosey around trail to pull up bars for 5x Circle up and do Side Straddle Hop, Imperial walkers, Homer to Marge, 5 Burpees OYO, KB Halos, Runners Stretch and deep squat holds w/ KB Thang 1 [Read More]

Limited Run Does Not Mean Limited Merkins

Fresh off my first merlot induction at BO, YHC accepted the challenge to deliver a tough workout at the great AO, Tortoises. With little buzz and marketing, 20 other HIM wanted to see as well. Or maybe it was the EC Pull-Ups. Yeah, probably the ECPs. Also, there were another 5 who joined in for the traveling IR Bruisers AO for a total of 26. Add in the 3 young men shooting ball, and the place was poppin’! [Read More]

Extreme Couponing

Following a night of unstable air and thunderstorms, 20 PAX descended upon Tortoises in the humid gloom for a 45 minutes of getting to know your coupon better. Allegiance was pledged, and we circled up. Warm Up Standard fare of SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio, Plank Jacks, Merkins on my down AND up. 10 burpees OYO to get the PAX attention. Thang 1 Lunge walk to the coupon pile. PAX take either a block or 2 cores each. [Read More]

The Calm Before The Storm

I honestly couldn’t think of a title for today’s workout, and Disco Duck said this while we were warming up w/o kettlebells, so I thought, why not. There’s nothing like throwing around heavy pieces of steel at 5:30 in the morning, so let’s get started. We circled up for a little warm up, both with and without our kettlebells. Warm Up w/o KB Good Morning, Windmill, Imperial Walker, SSH, Arm Circles & Claps [Read More]

Brotherhood of Stone

Pre-warm up: Some of the HIMs gathered by the pull-up bars for some extra credit sets; good job! Warm-up: Good mornings, Hillbillys, and to everyone’s surprise, LBCs (good for later). There was a lot of mumble-chatter at this point and spirits were high. Everyone grabbed a cinder block or a couple of concrete cylinders and we moseyed with them to the lower hill for Thang 1. Thang 1: American Hammers with Coupons on top and Berkins (Block Merkins) on the bottom for 11s with block carrying sprints in between. [Read More]

No Themes - Let's Go To Work

No Themes - Let’s Go To Work With all of the themed workouts going on lately, YHC wanted to get back to basics. PAX circled around the flag for a Pledge of Allegiance. The PAX were then directed to look up at the cross on top of the Sovereign Grace Church. This vantage point is humbling and serves as a reminder to the price Christ paid for us. We are truly blessed to be able to do what we do. [Read More]