Do it for the Coffee

It was a chilly below freezing morning, so my overarching goal was to keep the PAX moving (warm) without collapsing from exhaustion (me). A delicate balance to be sure. No FNG’s as I start the disclaimer. Then stop the disclaimer as Augmented wheels into the parking lot. Then start the disclaimer *again*. Mosey to the flag, do the Pledge, and leave the small parking lot in favor of the big parking lot. [Read More]

Farewell Q

This will be YHC’s 5th BackBlast written in the last 2 weeks. I’m beginning to understand now why some PAX are not a fan of writing them or choose to routinely skip writing them. YHC, Schlitz, and Joe Smith showed up early to get over 3 miles of EC in. It was Schlitz that also pointed out a used DNA Cocoon on the grounds of SWW. Warm Up No FNGs, disclaimer (sort of), pledge. [Read More]

Sprained Ankles and Lost Panties

Nekkid’ Mole Skin: The title of this BB was going to be Water Boarded (thanks to @shutincarpex), but didn’t quite have that oomph to it. You see, after the workout this morning at Kryptonite (which by the way one of the PAX called this workout the best ever at Kryptonite), as we were 2nd F’in at #Trunkaterria (thanks Wonderbread!), we were discussing how Schlitz fell down during the lateral shuffle Pyramid Gassers, then Schlitz told us this story of why his ankle is a bit unstable: Schlitz says that he and his M were on vacation…Aruba or somewhere like that…. [Read More]

Stand By Your Man

YHC doesn’t post at 0515 workouts every week - the times I have, the numbers have been, shall we say, non-problematic. However, on this particular Halloween morning there are 17 PAX, including 2 FNGs, up and at ’em at Koka Booth. Time to move. Warm Up Mosey to the big parking lot, circle up and warm up. SSHs and some other stuff, finish off with 5 CF merkins. The Thang Partner up for Tammy Wynette intervals: Partner 1 completes 20 Merkins while Partner 2 completes 20 squats, then flip flop. [Read More]

YogaMat Loves Cinder Blocks

7 HIDA’s showed up after Pre Blast warning that it was going to be Leg Day. Started off with Pledge of Allegiance and them Mosey to adjacent parking lot where all of the cool toys were hiding. Warmarama • Good mornings 10 • Side Straddle Hop 12 • Hillbillies 12 • Fazio Arm Circles 10 each direction • Air Squats 15 • Freddie Mecuries -12 Thang 1 Weighted Tire Pull Each Pax takes turn at pulling weighted tire around pickle while we do the following exercises with coupons: Each round is repeated until Pax returns from tire pull • Single Leg Deadlift (5 each side) Rinse Repeat until Pax form Tire Pull returns • Curls 12-10-8-6-4-2 • Deep squats 12-10-8…. [Read More]

Eight Years

I had to de-commit from a BH Halloween Q, so I scooped up this FWD Q toward the end of last week. Knew it was going to be sandwiched between a late night return from being DR and an insane week at work, but the importance around the day itself made committing to this make sense… FNG Check - F3 Mission Statement - Disclaimer - FOLLOW ME! Down into the park and around the far pickle. [Read More]

Happy Birthday Whippersnapper

It was an honor to be at the original location of Coffee with Oofta, Joe with Joe this morning. I arrived to find the pax milling about in the gloom, including Bayonne’s father, Whippersnapper who I later learned was celebrating his 77th birthday in the gloom. Lots of time help for this Q who prefers to lead without wearing a watch. Oh well, 545 ish - and we were off for a quick lap and a circle for - GM, Hill billies, Mountain climbers, SSH, Sir Fazios and then off again to the pavilion. [Read More]

Go Braves

Started off with Pledge of Allegiance Welcome new FNG Nate Turned on the Tunes to a Get the Led Out playlist. Hermes was not amused and requested some of the new and trendier Boy Bands. Out of luck Warmarama Good mornings 10 Side Straddle Hop 15 Hillbillies 15 Fazio Arm Circles 10 each direction Air Squats 15 Runners Stretch – 10 count each side Squat hold- 10 count Merkins-12 Thang 1 [Read More]

Letting Go at Slippery When Wet

After two and a half years of posting, YHC finally got around to Q’ing. It was a glorious day for a VQ as the feel of fall was in the air and the PAX were in a jovial mood. We had 22 PAX in attendance (including 1 doing the IronPAX) and there were no FNGs. We started with the pledge and then ran to the playground-facing lot for a warm up as it was the only lit area in the entire AO beyond the bathrooms. [Read More]

Stetson Original

YHC had the opportunity to do my VQ at the AO where I started F3 nearly one year ago. I planned my workout on paper, used google maps to count light poles, drove through the office complex parking lot a few times, so I felt ready up until I got to the parking lot for the main event. Then my nerves got the best of me and I botched the mission and tried to say the Pledge of Allegiance in cadence and forgot the disclaimer for the FNG. [Read More]