Burpees and Bear Crawls, Oh My!

23 met in the sticky gloom at TB Park. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance, disclaimer, and 22 men begin what was supposed to be an easy pace Indian run to the front lot. We’ve got an FNG arriving at 5:47 so Sosa makes sure he gets to the warmup circle. The obligatory 10 burpees commence. Your standard fare of SSHs, Good mornings, Sir Fazio and Hill Billies. Thang 1 Partner up, 100 Merkins, 200 Monkey Humpers, 300 Fluttering Supermans [Read More]

Midsummer's AMRAP + 1

After what looked to be a great evening of 2nd F on a Midsummer’s eve many of the PAX were operating on High Octane fuel. A fuel they would call upon about halfway through the morning as there were digging deep on an AMRAP + 1. 0520 ECP - YHC, WWW, GTL, Red Rider, Frisco continued our quest to get bigger, stronger and faster at the pull-up one repetition at a time. [Read More]


Pre-Blast - 16 HIMs we’re reminded how valuable and necessary it is to be self-motivated. Every man’s contribution of enthusiasm and effort compound together to build the incredible culture we share. - Todays theme: Show up ready to give your best and inspire the next man to give his best as well. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. - Run one, and only one, lap around the parking lot. [Read More]


Full Metal Jacket, already an AO with a military theme, YHC was feeling especially patriotic after having watched the movie “Unbroken” last week on 4th of July. Warm-up: YHC announced the theme to a healthy sized group of 14 PAX (or was it 15?) and off we went. Warm-up took us on a run for a loop around the ponds, ending up back at the playground set where we did a few good mornings and plank-jacks. [Read More]

Not-So-Soft Serve

Pre-Blast - 9 HIMs kept it simple at A-Team. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. - Run to the bottom of hill number one. - Circle up for: Good mornings, windmills, cotton pickers, groiner merkins, imperial walkers. The Thangs - Sevens on hill number one with Burpee’s at the top and Burpee’s at the bottom - Run to hill number two - Sevens on hill number two with Burpee’s at the top and Burpee’s at the bottom [Read More]

Guns out for Summer

So pumped to have pull up bars at DP! Best Friday AO Go Time 0545 Jog to end of lot - circle up 25x SSH 15x Peter Parkers 20x merkins Mozy long way to pond Stop along the way for pulsing squats for 6 and short loop back for 6 The Thang: 3 groups of 5 for 5 rounds (maybe) P1, Rock curls P2, run from rocks to pull up bars, P3, pulls up to failure P4, spot P3 for extra pullups P5, run from Pull ups to Rocks Plank hold at top of Pickle for doublesided Shakiras 10IC The Thang Duo: Mozy to to bridge CrawlBear by request from Hotspot! [Read More]

No Pull-ups, No Problem

YHC started the morning with a nice little fellowship run with Hello Kitty. Got back to the flag and the PAX were already gathering. Nice mix of vets and new guys and guys we haven’t seen recently. 05:45, let’s roll! Warm-Up Mosey over to the parking lot next to Power Line Hill and circle up for hillbillies, side straddle hops, burpees, Sir Fazios and plank jacks. The Thang Mosey over towards Power Line Hill but take a surprise right turn and head down the stairs to the baseball field. [Read More]

Superman Protocol

19 of the finest HIM in all of Apex descended upon the Apex Nature Park probably thinking of a nice easy transition into the weekend by the old man Q. Let me tell you boys, us RESPECTs still got some whup-ass in us. 0545 - let’s go Warm-Up Line up in 4 lines for a cadence run sung to the F3 principles jody written by a Hampton Roads PAX. I understand some of you weren’t able to hear me; sorry about that. [Read More]


There have been a lot of requests for vanilla workouts recently, so YHC set out to devise a workout with no sprinkles, no whipped cream, no cherry on top, just straight vanilla. Warm-Up Mosey over to the community center parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, standard merkins, plank jacks and squats. The Thang Line up at the first island for double sevens. Run to the far island and do twelve merkins, run back and do two squats. [Read More]

3 years and counting

27 HIM gather including 1 FNG. Disclaimer given and we are off. Mozy the long way counterclockwise around the baseball fields to the upper lot. Warm up SSH x 15 IW x 15 GM x 10 Merkins, PJ, MC - IC x 10 Thang Partner up and complete required number of each set as a group with one PAX running the small loop. 150 merkins 150 monkey humpers 75 burpees [Read More]