Peace Disturbed

Its been a long time since I wrote a back blast. I think I have skipped writing one for the last 5-6 times I’ve Q’d. With trying to keep track of Pax attending workouts I better write this out to keep us all safe. So I’m going to keep this simple too. Standard warmup/stretching in Apex PD parking lot. Mosey to bottom of hill and partner up. Time for some Catch me if you can. [Read More]

Invigoration at WWW!

I’m feeling compelled to write more about this perfect word - INVIGORATE! As a VQ this morning, I humbly admit that I (jumped at the chance, but) did not come in completely and fully prepared to lead the HIM at WWW, but when it came time to provide the disclaimer to our FNG (Decal), invigorate was the important word that I remembered and emphasized. Merriam Webster provides this simple, yet profound (IMO) definition to the term; “to give life and energy to. [Read More]

Stuck between a rock and a hard place

OK, so the Apex PAX (A-PAX for short) are clearly more smarter, better looking, and enjoyable to workout with than the Cary (basically Durham) PAX (CAR-PAthetiX for short but not really). I rolled out my new Dora et Trois concept again in today’s DP Gloom and they took to it like moths to a flame. It definitely had nothing to do with my ability to explain the workout, or an arguably better setup at DP than at Whoville earlier this week. [Read More]

Heaven is a Halfpipe

This backblast is a little late coming as it is from my birthday Q on 8/20, but as you get older you tend to forget things. Any way, as most are aware it’s BRR season and another HIM suggested those of us running the BRR should be sure to take all the open Q slots for BRR inspired workouts. Well, one of my typical training routes goes right through HFT and from the light at Olive Chapel and Kelly Road to Kelly at Beaver Creek Commons appeared to be the perfect “halfpipe” if you will. [Read More]

Merkins in the time of Blue Ridge

I have never seen “Love in the time of cholera”. Now there is “Love in the time of Corona”. Haven’t seen that either. But Friday at DP, we had something better. Arm work in the time of run-heavy Qs. But as with many workouts nowadays, this one started the night before with mindgames from Headroom. EC at 5am tomorrow. Let’s get in some miles!!! Headroom… circa 8pm Sure, sounds good. HC. [Read More]

Honeycomb Hills 2.0

4 for EC run 3 miles: Honeycomb, Parker, Francois, Ramsey 19 showed for the beat down Intro, disclaimer, and pledge… 1 FNG Mosey over to the Apex Baptist Church parking lot for warm-up SSH Good Mornings Runner Stretch Plank Jacks Mosey over to the Apex Cemetery bottom of the hill The Thang 7’s on the hill split group up top and bottom to start, top of hill was Hudson Ave 6 World Worst Merkins at the bottom and 1 Star Jump Next… Split in groups of 5 for a Washington run back to the flag for Mary [Read More]

Hills not Circles

Saw the Q-sheet was open and wanted to do a BRR-style Q with the added bonus of trolling the FMJ PAX on Slack for predictably “running in circles” at the track. Much respect to those guys I wouldn’t be able to keep up. The POGL has some awesome hills and a little bit of elevation checking on topographical maps pointed to my two favorites. Hinton St and W Moore St (aka Cemetery Hill). [Read More]

Blottin' the Sasquatch

17 PAX came out for the shadiest CSAUP route this side of New Hampshire. Of the ~12 miles covered, I think maybe a mile was full sun. You have got to love the greenways out here! A few weeks back, YHC saw @F3ENC post on twitter ‘bout their annual Sasquatch CSAUP going virtual. This is an event I know Yogi and Freebird have hit up in the past and raved about. [Read More]

Vanilla with sprinkles

DP is a great site and today it was especially nice since the gates were opened before 5:30 am so everyone could park in the lot. Everyone except YHC, as I arrived early to see if the fields were open. In retrospect, I’m glad that I arrived early as it gave me a chance to do some EC with @TermPaper, and after the workout I walked back with @TrackStar. My plan for the workout today was to stay around the parking lot and do lots of running. [Read More]

Goes without saying...

Today was YHCs 4th Q in 6 days. By now, the scoops of vanilla were overflowing the bowl so I had all intentions of coming up with a fool proof plan for today’s beat down. Well, then I was on the road for 12 hours for work yesterday and decided to roll with a couple ideas I had in my head. It had been a while since I’ve posted at the OG Lions Den site and sort of forgot how intimate certain areas can be. [Read More]