1st F Workout Schedule

Looking for a closer workout? Check out a surrounding Region:

Peak City | South Cary | South Wake | Green Level | Raleigh | Churham

MondayRobert Godbold Park0530 - 0615DollywoodBoot Camp
MondayDavis Drive Park0530 - 0615WolverineHigh Tempo Boot Camp
MondayApex Community Park0545 - 0630A-TeamBoot Camp
TuesdaySalem Pond Park0530 - 0615Full Metal JacketHigh Tempo Boot Camp
TuesdayDowntown Cary0530 - 0615Smoke & MirrorsBoot Camp
TuesdayAnnie L. Jones Park0545 - 0630ClaymoreLimited-Run Boot Camp
TuesdayWalnut Creek Park0530 - 0615Mojo Dojo Casa HouseBoot Camp
TuesdayDowntown Cary1800 - 1845Rush HourBoot Camp
WednesdayFred G. Bond Park0500 - 0540Insomnia (EC)Running (~4 miles) Camp
WednesdayFred G. Bond Park0500 - 0540005Boot Camp
WednesdayFred G. Bond Park*0500 - 0630The MaynardRunning (10.6 miles)
WednesdayFred G. Bond Park0545 - 0630Shaken Not StirredBoot Camp
WednesdayFred G. Bond Park0545 - 0630VesperRunning (~4-5 miles)
WednesdayFred G. Bond Park0545 - 0630Die Another DayRucking/Coupon/Sandbags
WednesdayPreston Village0600 - 0645Full ThrottleBoot Camp
ThursdayDowntown Cary0545 - 0630Bradford’s OrdinaryBoot Camp
FridayGreen Hope Elementary Park0530 - 0615Gran TorinoHigh Tempo Boot Camp
FridayNorth Cary Park0545 - 0630Danger ZoneBoot Camp
SaturdaySmokie’sDeparture time dependent on distance (planned return for 0800 COT at the flag) - Please check SlackRolling StoneRuck
SaturdayFred G. Bond Park0630-0730PhoenixBoot Camp

| DAY | LOCATION | TIME | WORKOUT | STYLE | | Sunday | Starbucks - Hwy 55 | 0700 | Sunday Slowzy | Running – ~6 Miles – Varying Routes |

*Launch time may vary depending on pace. Intention is to be back at the Flag in time for COT.

2nd F – Fellowship

3rd F - Faith

In F3, we define faith as simply a belief in something bigger than yourself.

WednesdayPanera – Park West Village0645 – 0715The RefineryRead through books of the Bible and discuss
ThursdayDowntown Cary0500 – 0545q-Source RuckWork through the q-source manual, an F3 leadership guide, as well as other leadership related discussions
Varies (check Slack for details)Downtown CaryVariesTCP SawgrassLandscape multiple homes in support of The Carying Place.