Zero Piranhas, Three Bunnies

Workout Date: 05/15/21
YHC has never posted Piranha Park, but as I am stepping up my Carpex Qs, I figured a standard one hour Saturday workout would be a great start.

Warm Up:
Check for FNGs, give the mission statement, give the disclaimer, and warm up:
Side Straddle Hop x20 In Cadence (IC)
Good Morning x10 IC
Imperial Walker x20 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC Forward x10 IC Reverse
Monkey Humpers x10 IC
Standard Merkins x10 On My Down (OMD)
Mountain Climbers x10 IC
Downward Dog with calf isolation stretches
World’s Greatest Stretch

Main Event
1) Mosey around the pond and through the amphitheater to survery the AO. The pond looked really cool with the fog and mist in the early morning. Mosey back to the amphitheater side of the pond.
2) Partner up for Dora around the pond. 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats.
3) Squirrel crawl along the amphitheater walls
4) 10-15-10 pyramid on the amphitheater walls of: Left-Right Step Ups, Irkins, Dips, Elevated LBCs, Derkins
5) Mosey to other end of pond to the rocks, see the bunnies, and grab a rock for another 10-15-10 pyramid: Curls, Triceps, Overhead Press, Bent Over Rows. Return rocks and back to start.
6) With same partner, BALLS around the big parking lot pickle. One partner stays and does exercises. The other partner runs across the parking lot and back. Flapjack. Based on time, call an audible to cut normal reps in half. Just enough time for one lap each partner.
Half-BALLS Exercise Circuit: (everything single count)
Burpees x5
American Hammer x10
Lunge x15
LBC x20
Squat x25

Various. Dolly, Freddy Mercury, Flutter Kicks, Homer To Marge, others I can’t remember. All x20 IC.

Announcements: Carpex Park/Highway Clean Up is coming soon, Blood Drive 5/15 at Alexander YMCA, F3 Wendell on Saturdays (Shark Bait is Q this week), Iliad 5/22, El Duce’s Recovery on the Run 6/12, F3 Day of Service 6/19
Prayers for those dealing with suicide attempts, job struggles, brain tumor recovery, parental health. Other prayers unspoken.
YHC took us out

Naked Moleskin:
Piranha Park has a lot of options. Great park with great scenery. The mist evaporating off the pond was beautiful. The best setting for Dora I’ve come across.
It was a small group but that made fellowship ridiculously easy.
75% attendance for coffeteria afterwards.
This was my forty-fourth #F3Q21 #2021Challenge Q. Next Q is Tuesday at Full Metal Jacket in Carpex.

QIC: Pigpen
PAX: Old Maid, Peeping Tom, Pigpen, Queequeg
Workout Date: 05/15/21

See also