Zero Burpees


  • 10 HIM joined YHC for 2.5ish miles at FWD to do some work. YHC refused to call anything even closely resembling a burpee. YHC succeeded.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run up Cary Parkway to 64, cross the street, and run down to the medical plaza for some work.
  • Before circling up, perform 40 Quick Feet, Paint the Lines, and 100 Curb Dips.
  • Circle up for: GM, Windmills, Cotton Pickers … and SirFazios until YM gets tired.

The Thang

  • Esau’s Ladder: Perform 5 SSH at each successive light pole up the hill in the lot, returning to the start each time for 5 LBC. Increase by 5 each round. Increase to 40 for a total of 180 each.
  • Run back to the flag.
  • Stretch.


See also