Zen Zen Flex Again

17 HIM descended upon Phoenix for what YHC promised would be a very limited run workout, with a heavy dose of flexibility. We had 1 FNG, Liam from New Jersey, so a thorough and complete disclaimer was in order. Apparently YHC got a little bit loquacious, prompting Callahan to point to his watch, “6:31” and an indignant look of “let’s get on with it” on his face. So off we went.

Mosey to the community center lot for a circle up and warm up.

Good Morning, Imperial Walkers, SSH, Merkins

Thang1: Bataan Death March to the kiosk - form 2 lines, last PAX in each line owes 5 burpees while the line proceeds with high kick march; last PAX catches the line, tapping the new last PAX for their burpees and proceeds to front; line switches to skip hops; repeat…line switches to lunge walk….repeato, repeato until we reach the kiosk. Finish up the march with 10 World’s Worst Merkins.

Mosey to the dam rock pile, with a dose of Karaokes.

Thang2: Grab an ego rock for some beach body tuning, you know, ‘cause summer is almost over. Progress through Curls for Girls, Overhead Press, Ruh-Row, Bobby Hurleys. Repeato…repeato.

Mosey to the Amphitheater.

Thang3: Gather onstage for some peaceful Broga. Take a moment to breath and reflect on the week, get ready for some flexibility work. Progress through the vinyasa - plank, upward dog, downward dog, leg extension, runner’s pose, runner’s stretch, Warrior 1; repeato. Insert behind-the-back hand grab to open up your shoulders. Finish with child’s pose and Crane.

Walk/mosey to the Flag.

Mary, of the PAX, by the PAX, for the PAX - American Hammers, box cutters, Merkins, Freddy Mercs, Have a Nice Day.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: August 31 Carpex convergence at Danger Zone to celebrate Carpex region 5th sorta birthday; Labor Day 10k; 9/11 stair climb

PRAISE/PRAYERS: Boo Boo praise to Carpex for the team of 6 PAX that clown-car’ed to North NORTH Raleigh this week to drag him out to the gloom, inspiring him to post 3x in 4 days.


  • After a long week it was refreshing to reemerge with some yoga. Thanks to the PAX for indulging in something a little less than ordinary. I hope you liked it.
  • Welcome FNG Manning, named for his professed love of the New England Patriots. H/T to Jiggly Puff for bringing out his BIL, who learned that working out with rocks is, in fact, a real thing. We’ll look for a repeat visit on his next trip to Cary.
  • All kidding aside, starting and finishing on time is an important part of our discipline and commitment to one another. High standards held by High Impact Men.
  • It is always an honor to lead you men, thank you for the opportunity.

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