Your mother was a hamster...

..and your father smelt of elderberries!

Practice makes…better.

So four days into this Q-stravaganza and YHC is still hanging on.  Uncharted territory folks.  Fortunately (for me) this came during Q swap week, so attendance has been maybe a little bit down in these other AOs compared to what it could be.  (Read: less cats to herd).  Whatever, I’ve enjoyed my time with all of you.  Some of you were subjected to multiple days of YHC, and for that, I’m sorry.

Track record so far this week:

  • Kryptonite: 3 minutes late to finish (but we covered a lot of ground, in the snow/ice, uphil both ways!)
  • FOD: ended on time, but came in 0.03 miles shy of 2 miles.  My goal is usually 2 miles covered.
  • SNS:  Well, almost got it.  Came in hot with no time for COT, 6:31.  Q Fail.

Fourth time’s the charm hopefully.

YHC joined Ma Bell, PBX, and Sky Blue for some EC running in (and even a little more EC…thanks Google Maps), complete with TWO shovelflags.  A brisk pace and we were there in no time.  Arrived with a few minutes to spare.  Site debriefing with the site Q on the way in, valuable intel.  We determined there were limited spots for pullups, saving the PAX from the planned Murph for the day. I keed, I keed.


YHC’s legs were already nice and warm after the 2 mile EC in, finishing up with “Andy” Hill.  But, we moved on regardless.  Lap around the pickle with some Hi, Knees mixed in.  Regrouped at the shovelflags for

  • Pledge of Allegiance, IC

Shift the circle over there for:

  • SSH x 15 (surprised the PAX!)
  • Hillbilly x 15
  • GM x 15
  • Cottonpicker x 15

Off to the main event

Main Event

There we were on the finest track in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning at 5:45 with 9 people, so what else could we do but The Merkin Mile.

  • Starting at the east end of the track, run to the west end as a PAX, fellowship pace
  • standard merkins x 25  OMD
  • Back to the east end
  • wide grip x 25 OMD
  • West
  • offset right x 25 OMD
  • East
  • offset left x 25 OMD
  • repeato, with some indian runs, double applesauce, trotting with coconut claps, carioca, little bit of everything

200 merkins, one mile.  Shoulders done.  On to the pitch.

There we were on the finest turf in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning at 5:45 with 9 people, so what else could we do but a Merkin Wave and Four Corners.

  • Circle up in the hub, in plank position.
  • Hold it as each PAX did one Merkin, followed by the next, etc. all the way around.  We got to 10.

Then, as a PAX, 3 Wolverines in the hub, then fan out to the corners (returning for 3 Wolverines between each corner, and at the end:

  • Corner 1 - jump squats x 10 IC
  • Corner 2 - Makhtar N’Diayes x 10 IC
  • Corner 3 - Plank Jacks x 10 IC
  • Corner 4 - CDDs x 10 IC

Doing the math, that’s another 55 Merkins (75 if you count the IC CDDs, which I do).

Moving on to the next spot, the elementary schoolyard, in search of pull-up bars.  Found ’em!

  • Pullups x 15 OYO
  • American Hammer x 15 IC
  • LBC x 15 IC

Time to move again.

  • Indian Run back to the B-Ball court (our long run back)
  • Upon arrival, lunge walk across the court
  • Walk lunge back to the start
  • People’s chair x 15 count down the line
  • BTTW x 10 count down the other way (including some Roman and Arabic numerals, never fearing the zero)

6:28, running close on time


  • Box Cutter x 15
  • Cox Butter (commie box cutter) x 15
  • Freddy Mercury x 15
  • Have a Nice Day

Finished at 6:29:45!!

Countarama and Namearama contained three different languages, but the out-RA-geous French accents took the cake.

“Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!”

Strava file from FC,

275 Merkins, 2.3 miles.  Some good MC this morning, especially from Kilmer!


  • KKC signups, do it, 0800 on 2/3!  Healing Transitions workout prior at Pullen, 0630.
  • Kilmer’s succession plan training 1/19.  bsgadvisors on Facebook.
  • Bond Brothers Beer Mile, do it!  6:30pm wave


  • Kilmer’s youngest 2.0 Broseph facing adversity at App, needs our prayers to back him up.
  • Hasslehoff’s restoration process at home.
  • Others unspoken.


Summed up as follows:  Ma Bell said, after we finished… “Your best one yet”.  Can’t top that.

Y’all come to Whiplash on Saturday.  I need the backup.  0600-0700.  I’ll buy your coffee afterwards.

See also