Your M Will Thank Me Later


Sometime on Tuesday, as I was contemplating my posts for the rest of the week, a message appeared out of the blue that the HFT QIC slot for Thursday was open. YHC jumped on it and…Boom! Thursday plan solved! Then sometime on Wednesday, Buzz Cut messaged me something to the effect of “I don’t know you; can I count on you actually Qing my site?” Right question, wrong PAX to ask. With the unfortunate exception of one time I forgot I was Qing FWD and posted at FOD, I have honored my Q commitments. (I’m just funnin’ ya, Buzz Cut). That said, as of this writing, I still don’t know where I’m going to post on Friday. Any ideas?


After a flawlessly executed disclaimer and reciting of the F3 mission statement, we were off. Things to do and all. Jog the unnecessarily circuitous driveway out to Kelly Rd - mixing in some karaokes - and down the sidewalk to the KR Park parking lot for:

  • Merkins (of course) IC
  • Plank Jacks IC
  • SSH IC
  • Good Mornings ICish

The Thangs

Follow me over to the playground and partner up. P1 does alternating 5 pull-ups, 5 dips, while P2 circumnavigates the playground on the paved path. Flapjack. Repeato 3x. There was a whole lot of groaning about the pull-ups. Your Ms will thank me later.

Once all partner groups had completed their 4 rounds, we jogged back out to Kelly Road and to the “bottom” of the sidewalk for a set of 11s. Turkish Getups at the bottom, Donkey Kicks at the top. There was a whole lot of groaning about the donkey kicks. Your Ms will thank me later. We were able to get in a couple of rounds of Mary as the six trickled in. That left us 2 minutes whereupon we jogged back on the unnecessarily circuitous driveway around the bus loop and back to the flag for COT. Wait, where did Old Maid come from?


Count-a-rama: 19

Name-a-rama: 4 RESPECTS, 15 Mehs

Prayers: Spoken and Unspoken. You had to be there.

COM (Circle of Man): YHC took us out


  • It is ALWAYS my honor to lead you exceptional men, and today was no different
  • It has been too long since I’ve ventured deep into the heart of Apex, and I thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting with the AO, and connecting for the first time some faces with names
  • That said, there’s a whole lot of flabby arms down here from all that BRR training. Time to tighten up, boys!
  • YHC was today years old when I learned that 2-factor did the Crazy Train. I’d like to do that sometime, but not in July!
  • After we partnered up for Thang 1, I heard someone mention Torpedo’s name. I said, “Torpedo’s not here” and then he went flying past me. Yes, Torpedo is here. He must’ve ninja’d up at the last minute when I was flawlessly executing the disclaimer and mission statement!
  • Old Maid was there the whole time. Or was he?
  • Coffeeteria was [fire emoji]! YHC LMAO’d listening to stories from the Boy Band van at BRR. Damn, ya’ll crazy.

See also