Your 2020 Dante's Peak Logo Contest Winner!

^ It’s the contest nobody knew existed… whipped this baby up in PowerPoint, Word Art and all… BOOM!

Heavy rain the night before left the entire area quite damp. YHC had planned to work around the pond for the beatdown so when I arrived Torpedo and I ran back to make sure it wasn’t underwater. It wasn’t! We did find a good half a dozen HIMs on the pull up bars and joined in for some of the fun. Like what they have going on and need to look into the Fighter Pull Up Plan - check it out!

Warm Up

Somehow remembered the F3 mission, almost forgot the pledge and we’re off…

  • Good Morning
  • SSH
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles
  • Overhand Clap

Thang 1 - Burpee Lake

Mosey over to the newly minted Burpee Lake for some 4 corners(?) of the lake. Repeat a couple of times.

Station 1 - Man Makers

Station 2 - Burpee Coupon Jump Overs

Station 3 - Burpos

Station 4 - Burp-Ups

Thang 2 - Ring of Fire

Round 1 - PAX holds plank while we go around the circle doing 10 merkins

Round 2 - Protractor/WW2s

Round 3 - Plank/Mountain Climbers

Round 4 - Protractor/LBCs


Out of time we Mosey back to the flag, making the obligatory jaunt over Bear Crawl Bridge. It was… slippery. With 2 minutes to spare the skies opened up so we did a round of 100s. Thanks to Shut-In for not participating but attempting to grab some video footage to prove that we do in fact work out in some glorious weather. Being the benevolent Q I am we retreated the the pavilion for COT. Shutty announced he hadn’t quite gotten the shot so let’s try again out in the rain… Ok, why not… No sooner than we step out of the pavilion that it stops raining entirely and the rest of COT takes its rightful place around the flag.


Night to Shine - tonight! Such an awesome program, thanks to all of the volunteers and the chance to do something amazing for these kids.

YHCs friend Tricia


Last but by no means least… Hotty Toddy and I handed the flag off to Headroom and 16 Steve as the new Site-Qs. I love the site and all the regulars. It’s been a pleasure to be along for the ride.

See also