You Still Have 20 Minutes Left!

From the day the sign up sheet for Grand Torino was posted I have been eager for the opportunity to Q Carpex’s newest high tempo site. For the last month many decisions of where to posted were based on what I thought would best prepare me to lead the type of PAX that frequent GT. With the exception of a little sleeplessness last night I felt as prepared as I could be when I rolled up at 0515. As the time nears 0530 Biner, who has agreed to keep me on time, gives me the go ahead and off we go.

No FNGs, Pledge of Allegiance, follow me

Mosey over to the tennis club side of the street, crossing very safely I might add, for a rolling warm up of: High Knee, Butt Kickers, Cariocas, Backwards run, Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, recover.

Mosey back to the school side, again looking both ways before crossing the street, to the basketball court for:

Thang 1: 4 Corners - Corner 1 5 Burpos, Corner 2 5 Burpos / 10 J-Los, Corner 3 5 Burpos / 10 J-Los / 15 Steve Earls, Corner 4 5 Burpos / 10 J-Los / 15 Steve Earls / 20 Superman pulses. Frontrunners do Nipplers while waiting for the 6

Mosey on over to the toddler swing set for some 3 partner work.

Thang 2: 2 partners wheel barrow around the circle while P3 performs Australian pullups from the swing set. Swap out until all have wheel barrowed around the circle.

Run about 8 loops around an 50 feet circle just because we could and then depart for the playground:

Thang 3: Dirkin Ladder and 600s. While still in 3 partners P1 does a Dirkin Ladder of 5 x 5 adjusting feet higher on the ladder for each set. Partner 2 and 3 begin knocking out the 600 flutter kicks. This proved to be a bigger challenge than I imagined but not because of the difficulty of 600 flutter kicks. We all kept loosing count! Eventually all finish.

There we go. My planned Q is complete. A lot of good work was done. “Biner, what time is it?” “You still have 20 minutes!”

O…K… Follow me. Mosey around to the back of the school to a small playground and an amphitheater for 20 pullups OYO and some Shakiras from the amphitheater wall.

Depart for the long way around the grounds back to the parking lot for some lunges and backward runs. Mosey over to the covered pavilion for dips, fluttering rocketmans and Irkins.

Back to the flag for Windmill, Cotton Pickers, Good Mornings and 10 Burpos followed by Have a Nice Day!


See also