You say Tabata, I say Ciabatta

Friday morning, my wing man Qing at the other CarPex Friday AO, 60 ish degrees, 1 FNG, 1 Pax from Down East, One Kotter, 13 total Pax not including one Pax riding the flag in on a bike and then leaving….a little better look than my spin class episode.   Tunes were on the box and appropriately changed to Boston radio at the suggestion of our NanTan who also suggested the Friday HH spot out at West Park Tavern.

Wonk provided the disclaimer, we introduced ourselves to the Aqua Man and we were off.   Well not so fast…we just circled up.


  • SSH, IW, Mountain Climbers, GM, SSH, Cotton Pickers, Quick Feet and Little Baby Incline Merkins all in approx 15 count in cadence.   Mosey over to the basketball court which is where we stayed for the balance of the workout.


  • Tabata set #1, 45 seconds of excercise and 15 seconds of Sir Fazio Arm Circles.  8 rounds. We did the following:  burbees, double jump burbees, merkins, jumb squats, flutter kicks, LBC’s, CDDs, six inch leg holds
  • Head to the wall.  Dips, incline merkins and alternating left right step ups.  20 or so of each.  Couple sets of sprints on the courts.  Some sideways and then length of both courts.
  • Tabata set #2.  Same set up with these excercises.  Jump knee tucks, man makers, burbees, merkins,  hello dolly,  hammers,  SSH,  ???
  • Jack Webb.   Merkins and hallelujahs.  To 10 with 4x multiplier.
  • Mary.  Hammers and ???


  • YHC read Hebrews 10 23-25 which touches a key principal of F3. Let us think of ways to motivate each other to acts of love and good works.
  • Namarama.  FNG Rubber Duck.  Welcome.
  • Announcements.   Picnic on May 6 with convergence in the am at Phoenix with Churham.
  • Prayers.
  • Wonk took us out!

Terrific work this am dudes.   Rubber Duck did great work and it was awesome to have Wonk back as well as Aqua Man from ENC!  Another Cluster Q in the books.


See also