You never forget your first

Steaks said there were no Beaver Chase backblasts and someone needed to write one. Well, I accepted the challenge and will take my place in Carpex history on Wordpress as the writer of the very first Beaver Chase backblast!

As I drove in this morning, I got stuck at a light after trying to stretch out before I left…cutting it close! I got there with 3 minutes to spare but Mandolin was already sending me texts to make sure I was there. Mr Safety greeted me dressed in jeans and a tucked in shirt, he declined to stay and we missed him but the show must go on.

We started with the pledge and then did about an 8:30 pace to the Kohl’s parking lot. There was some complaining, but it’s Monday I let it slide.

Circle up for the following:

  1. 30 Side Straddle Hopps - 10 regular, 10 fast, 10 double fast
  2. 5 high tempo good mornings (same as regular but you enjoy them way more)
  3. 10 Sir Fazios
  4. 15 STANDARD merkins
  5. 10 reverse Sir Fazios
  6. 10 STANDARD merkins
  7. 10 Overhead claps
  8. 10 STANDARD merkins
  9. 10 Seal claps (thank you Wahoo for counting them correctly)
  10. 15 STANDARD merkins

Now we mosied to the movies. Here, we started 42 Bobby Hurley’s to commemorate Coach K’s 42 seasons. The Q was about to crap out at 20 and called an audible, we’d finish the rest later.

Now to the movies. We have a lot of exercises based on movies, so I picked a few. We started 3 corners (which was kind of life a square, but we only stopped 3 times). 20 cadence count American Hammers, Bad News bear crawls across the front of the theater (bear crawls are always bad news), 20 cadence count Imperial Walkers, then 20 Hello Dollys.

Repeat 3 times.

Now those 22 Bobby Hurleys. But we also did 5 bonus to commemorate the 47th time that Coach K got beat by UNC, and #47 was pretty awesome!

Mosied back to Target, found some railing and did the following:

  1. 10 Irkins
  2. 10 Dips
  3. 10 Australian pull ups
  4. 10 Dirkins

Mosied back to the flag for Mary and did the following:

  1. 20 LBCs
  2. 10 Low slow Freddy Mercs
  3. 20 Big boy situps (or are the WW2s. . . or WW1s, not sure)
  4. 100s!


  1. Core challenge

Prayers and praises:

  1. Ukraine
  2. Kids going back to school on first day with no masks

YHC led us out in prayer. It was beautiful morning at mid 60’s and windy, let’s make it a great day!

See also