You Had To Be There

At approximately 05:29, 11 PAX were patiently waiting for one more. One more, who had jumped at the opportunity to pick up a last minute Q due to the previous Q’s illness. This one more, who will remain un-named (rhymes with Noshowisco), allegedly had a sick 2.0 and would not make it. When Ezekiel asked if anyone wanted to pick up a last minute Q, Yogi and YHC spoke up simultaneously. It was decided that a cluster co-Q would be the solution of the day. Yogi taking the first half, YHC taking the second.

Warm Up

Mosey around the pickle, circle up for Good Mornings, SSHs, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, and 10 burpees OYO.

Thang Yogi

7s the length of the parking lot. CDDs at one end, burpees at the other.

Once complete, grab a curb. De-escalating Curb wide/Standard/Diamond merkins, counting down 10/7/5, each separated by SSHs and WWIIs/LBCs. With the upper body sufficiently blasted, YHC took over.

Thang Red Ryder

Mosey to a familiar hill across the street and partner up. Start at the bottom - Partner 1 is completing 100 jump squats, Partner 2 bear crawls up the hill and moseys back down. Flip flop until complete. Next, Partner 1 is completing 100 Star Jumps while Partner 2 backwards runs up the hill and moseys down, flip flop until complete.

Mosey back to the church parking lot for BTTW. First round is a 10 count down the line until complete. Second round is a BTTW Indian Run.


Mosey back to the flag, with 9 minutes left. Complete a round of Captain Thor, which took up 6 minutes. PAX choice to run out the clock, finished up with Shakira courtesy of Sour Mash. Have a nice day.


4 Respects, 7 Mehs

Announcements: A coming CSAUP involving trains in Cary, see Yogi for details. Soft launch of Lion’s Den, a new boot camp AO on Wednesdays at 0530 at St. Mary’s. Not announced in COT, but wanted to put out there that Sub is planning his VQ at BH on March 1st. Be there.

Prayers/praises: Ausfarht, Sooey, Swag’s M, Red Ryder’s cousin who is still fighting cancer, Crimson’s FIL, Yogi’s young friend who was in an accident. YHC took us out.


This was a lot of fun. Maybe it was a bit more high tempo than the typical Tortoise workout? Did we get carried away? Yes we did. But it was fun. Tortoise is the first place YHC posted. Since I didn’t actually die from that first workout, I posted again. Great to see our numbers continuing to grow. T-claps to Ezekiel and Intimidator for strong site-Q’ing - ready to jump in and lead had no one stepped up. True HIMs.

Doogie shared about his trip last night to see Crimson’s FIL, and reminded the PAX to not blindly accept medical diagnoses - always be willing to ask questions and push back. Another true HIM, jumping in there to help a brother in need.

Freebird. Oh, Freebird. With one wise crack about rooting for the wrong color blue tonight, you very nearly earned a burpee reward at the end. It was a Frisco move. Silent prayers for you, and it’s a GDTBTH.

Be an inspiration to someone today. And make your today a little better than your yesterday.

See also