You got anything better?

Solo EC run to check out the AO

Bolton’s 2.0 a(nd FNG) Tripp came out to “join” the “fun.”

Mosey to the warm-up

**Good mornings; Windmill; SSH: Steve Earles; Mnt. Climbers; Plank Jack

**Thang One
**Two groups of 5 Indian Run around the neighborhood. Each time the lead runner gets back to the front of the line, stop and complete 1 rep of 3 exercises. Increase the number of reps each time you stop. We did this for two rounds.

Round 1 exercises: Merkin, LBC, Squat
Round 2 exercises: CDD, Freddy Mercury, Jump Lunges

Mosey back toward the school

**Thang Two
**Plank hold variation

Mosey to where the flag should have been (finished with 2.5 miles)

**Boat/Canoe; Homer to Marge; 100s

**Odyssey Oct. 24th, Haven House fundraiser

Bolton’s son is a VANNS guy, so even though he doesn’t understand the reference, we named him Spicoli. Immediately after being named, he responded with “You got anything better?” Later when asked if he had a good time he replied “No.”

YHC took us out with a quote from Thomas Jefferson

“When the people fear the government we have tyranny. When the government fears the people we have liberty.”


See also