You Get to Pick

We always have choices. Stay in bed, or get up and work out. Show up to work with a positive attitude, or be the asshole that everyone hates to be around. OR just not go to work and be a leech on the system. Do all the burpees, or cut corners.

17 men showed up at Dazed and Confused - hopefully because they wanted to get stronger. 16 of them were there from the start.

First exercise, Pledge of Allegiance.

Warm Up

Mosey inside the park near Power Line hill. Circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Overhead Claps, Good Mornings led by Crimson, Plank Jacks, and CF Merkins

Thang 1

Partner up, mosey to the bottom of Power Line Hill. Partner 1 runs up the hill and back down while Partner 2 does LBCs. Switch and repeato until both partners have made 3 trips up and down the hill.

Thang 2

Mosey to the top of the Main Drag hill. 7s with a twist: Star Jumps where we stand, and World’s Worst Merkins on the other end at the beginning of the parking lot. At the bottom of the hill, do ascending burpees each time you pass through. Up to 5, then back down. Once complete, 80% of All You Got back to the front parking lot.


A little of this, a little of that, a short mosey so we can get over 3 miles, then finish off with more CF Merkins. Have a nice day.


17 total - 1 Hate and a pile of Respects.

We prayed for Bubba’s son, who is struggling to find his way. Prayers for Bubba in guiding him and holding the line. YHC took us out.


Frisco showed up at the beginning of Thang 2. The story he told was that he thought we started at 0545. Personally, I think that’s bullshit. But whatever - we had him stand in the middle of the circle while we all completed 5 burpees. For the rest of the workout, he proceeded to walk up and down the hill and talk to PAX who appeared somewhat uncomfortable with the conversation topics.

Prodigal went missing in the middle of the workout. He was very happy that we chose an area near the bathrooms.

One PAX said to me that he’d fartsacked the previous 2 days. My response was that yesterday doesnt matter - all that matters is that he was here today. That’s the way I live my life. No regrets about what I didn’t do yesterday because I can’t change that. All I can do is my best moving forward. So Frisco, enjoy that jelly donut today.