You Get a Rock, You Get a Rock, EVERYBODY GETS A ROCK!

YHC continued my tour of the West Carpex AOs that started my F3 career with a trip to Field of Dreams. This trip was bound to be a good one with the plethora of choices the Q has at their disposal, and I hope the PAX got exactly what they paid for with their expensive F3 membership.

Warm-up: YHC noticed that the PAX were quite happy to see one another this morning, because the mumblechatter was on point to start. In order for the PAX to get a sense of how the beat down would go, we started off traveling uphill towards Green Level at a brisk pace (much to the chagrin of Nature Boy and Dirty Bomb). However, when we reached Green Level, YHC remembered that we needed to get rocks for the morning, so we went back downhill to get some. I knew the morning was off to a good start when Spit Shine started kicking rocks at me as we ran.

When the PAX arrived at the rocks, they were to grab two small rocks and circle up for our warm ups. Arms extended with a rock in each hand, the PAX did:

7 GMs

10 CACs

15 Seal Claps

10 RCACs

15 Over Hard Claps

Then to round it all out we did 5 Burpees.

Main Event: After warming up with some smaller rocks the PAX were to grab a larger rock and form two lines (no slow guy lines!). The PAX Indian Ran to the far parking lot of the AO (or just ran in the case of Side Car).

When we got to the far side, the PAX formed circles with their lines. Each circle had to perform a variety of exercises with their rocks while one PAX ran around the island on the far side of the parking lot. First round was arms, the PAX did over-head presses, over-head curls, and rowing. Second round, the Pax were to borrow their neighbors rock and carry both around the island, during which the rest of the PAX did Mary (LBCs, H2H, WW2s).

To wrap up we did an Indian run, no rocks this time, around the parking lot. We then collected our rocks and Indian Ran back to the Flag (somehow Nature Boy and 5 Hole smoked us on this portion and were on their way back before we got around the lot).

CoT: Habitat for Humanity and Burgaw 3rdF opportunities and YHC is very efficient in closing us out!

See also