You Can’t Have a Great Day Without a Goodyear


16 HIM pushed themselves and grew stronger at Phoenix. Tecumseh was there.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Mixed Run to the East Lot
  • Circle up for: Burpees, GM, WM, CP, Diamond ‘Mericans, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers, WG ‘Mericans, SSH, Hillbillies
  • Run back to the Senior Center entrance, Ranger ‘Mericans and Prime Time ‘Mericans on the way.
  • Partner up for partner decline ‘Mericans.

The Thang

  • Partner Double Hill BLIMPS: Partner 1 runs to the Kiosk for 5 Burpees while Partner 2 runs to Jersey Mike’s for 5 Burpees. Run back to the entrance, AMRAP Mary while you wait. Switch hills, run out for 10 lunges and back. Keep switching hills and adding 5 reps to complete the BLIMPS.
  • While you’re running, learn something new about another PAX. Be prepared to share about your brother at the end to avoid 10 Burpees.
  • Circle up at the flag, do 10 Burpees because Tecumseh asked for them. Share about your brothers…do 30 more Burpees before it’s all said and done.
  • One final quiz about Biner…he likes French cuisine :)


See also