You cannot be at Flying Circus and not do some MAGIC!!!

Date: 12/5/19 PAX: BOGO, Clementine, Dirty Bomb, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Gump, Ma Bell, Pigeon, Sky Blue, Trike, WWW

I am at the point now that I can make up a workout on the fly, at least the night before. If you want to be creative, the exicon is full of fun stuff to do. However, some exercises you’ll need a decoder ring to understand what to do and how to execute it properly. As I was combing through the exicon and developing what do, it dawned on me that this is Flying Circus an what is better to do than some MAGIC.

Merkin Ladder (20 merkins run to designated point, run back to start 19 merks, back to designated point 18 merks and so on until all has completed 1 merk.

ABCs (leg lift position, draw the letters of the alphabet to Z)

QIC directed the PAX to mosey back to the flag and circle up.

As I was picking up the six, Ma Bell kept the PAX moving until the six was in.

QIC calls out the next thang:

Global Warming (circle of pain, PAX in squat hold position and shuffling left/right while listening to QIC for what to do). After several exercises to include burpees, QIC directs the PAX to the other end of the parking lot for the next thang.

Indian Lunge Walk is next on the docket of fun things to do. PAX in two columns lunge walking while the last man does a speed lunge walk to the front of the PAX. This continues until we get to the other end of the parking lot. What comes next is one of my signature routines I like to do but using a curb.

Curbpee to AC/DC Thunderstruck.

QIC get the PAX back to the starting point for PAX favorite Mary 10 reps. Cobra Merkins, AMs, and WWIIs.

I thought we are out of time and Geek Squad was not too happy. Luckily, Ma Bell was looking out for the time and announced 2 mins left. I had GS call his Mary which made him very happy. He called a Hi Liter special … side plank star crunch.

Have a nice day.

CAR: 11

NAR: Respects x5; mehs x 6


Christmas Party, 12/12 @ Fortnight …Slack for deets and cost.

F3 SW CSAUP Frosty this weekend.

Prayers / Praises

Prayers for Luke who is struggling with mental issues.

Prayers for those traveling for the holidays.

Prayers for those Brothers who are injured and nurturing their way back to the gloom.

Lock-it-Up (BOM): YHC took us out.


6-Man (Ezekiel) – F3 HIMs keep him accountable.

F3 and my Carpex Brothers continue to bless me and has made a significant impact in my life (physically, mentally, and spiritually) … TRUE HIMs!!!

Q 54 of 52.

Birthday – F3-versary 7 pack Q commences in 2 weeks starting on 12/16 (actual birthday). Come join me to see what I have planned.

I’m still canvassing for a co-Q for Green Mile on 12/21. If no one steps up, it will be ruck focus with pain stations.

See also