You broke your cherry

It truly was a glorious morning at Bradford’s Ordinary…until my Co-Q decided to throw me into the fire. Having gone to Q School on Sunday, and living by the Boy Scout motto of semper paratus, I planned out what was supposed to be my portion of the workout - disclaimer, warm up, and Mary/COT. I even communicated my plans to my Co-Q for confirmation. I practiced my exercises and cadence calls with my 2.0, created my Weinke (and hoping I wouldn’t have to use it), showed up early, did some cramming in the car, and got out to socialize before my half VQ. Little did I know that Hello Kitty had something else planned for me.

Warm Up

First of all, Burt made sure that we had 100% participation for TTT (TCLAPS to Becky and her laundering of the loaner tanks). Not ones to stand on ceremony, the Rubberband Man PAX took off before the completion of the Disclaimer. We were rolling out, when a truck came peeling into the parking lot HOT, and out popped Dice, Bo Jackson, and an FNG. So we circled around, disclaimer was said again, and of course 10 penalty burpees were done due to the tardiness. Then we moseyed over to the normal warm up location of the bank at Chatham and Academy street, where we performed the following:

Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, STF Arm Circles (Forward and Back), Hillbillies, and ‘Mericans.

At this point, I was to turn the workout over to Hello Kitty, as he told me he had “something special” planned. I shouldn’t have been surprised by this, but he yelled out that he was going for a 20 minute jog and that he would see us later. “OK, he’s joking,” I said to myself, half hoping that he was but fully fearing that he wasn’t. And he wasn’t kidding. So it was time to think on my feet. Luckily, I had been doing more bootcamps than rucking lately, and I frequent Rush Hour / BO, so I know the area fairly well. So it was sink or swim time for the Skipper. “Follow me!” I yelled out, and the PAX fell in as I tried to figure out what to do for the next 30 minutes.

Thang 1

Light jog over to the parking deck, with some side shuffles thrown in there. Assembled on the lower deck of the parking lot, and partnered up. P1s went and got Pain Sticks (YHC made sure to kick the stack to scare off any snakes) while P2s were doing planks. We embarked on partner work:

P1 jogged the pain stick up one level of the parking deck while P2 ran the stairs to the top level of the parking deck, then swap roles.

P1 did 20 bench presses with pain stick while P2 did LBCs, then swap roles.

P1 did 20 squats with pain stick while P2 did shield cut plank hold.

Pain sticks were returned and we jogged back to Academy & Chatham, where we found Hello Kitty doing what appeared to be solo Monkey Humpers.

Thang 2

Gathered in the Academy Street Bistro parking lot (after improperly gathering at the entrance to the parking lot), where instruction was given to do 10 ‘Merican Light Pole ladders, with Squat modification option.

Jogged back down Academy, took a right at Mayton Inn, in order to finish off with an uphill lunge walk (most of the way) back to the Shovel Flag.


37 LBCs for Hello Kitty’s last day of being 37

10 Four Count Flutter Kicks

20 more ‘Mericans were pounded out at Magnolia’s call, as it was his birthday

Have a Nice Day


Banjo reminded us of the 4th of July Convergence that will be taking place at 0704 at Bond Park (where SNS meets).

Hello Kitty decided to contribute by giving the present of a turd colored pain stick to Press On.

Prayers / Praises

Praise from Speed Racer on getting a new job.

Prayers for Gilligan and Azul as they continue to battle cancer, and we were asked to keep Crab Legs in our thoughts as he fights against ALS.

Prayers for Burt’s son’s best friend (John?) who is about to deploy to Afghanistan. This is the second deployment for the family, as his older brother has already served a tour of duty over there.

YHC closed out COT with a prayer written by Thomas Merton called The Road Ahead

My Lord God,
I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.
nor do I really know myself,
and the fact that I think I am following your will
does not mean that I am actually doing so.
But I believe that the desire to please you
does in fact please you.
And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.
I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road,though I may know nothing about it.
Therefore will I trust you always though
I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear, for you are ever with me,
and you will never leave me to face my perils alone. 


Thanks to a great group of guys (ok, including Hello Kitty) for my VQ. It was an awesome morning for it, and I am grateful for having found a great group of HIMs to travel with me on the Road Ahead.

Also apologies for any inaccuracies / errors in the BB, as I did smack myself in the head pretty well with a pain stick as we were gearing up to run the ramp.

See also