You always remember your first...

QIC: Hotty Toddy
AO: TORToise
PAX: 26 Airhart, HOTTIE TODDy, SOOEY, Ninjago, TRAFFIC cone, WWW, Yogi, Parker, WaterWings, Crimson, Thiesmann, Spartan, red Ryder, ASCOT, Ausfahrt, Steamer, Jonah, EZEKIEL, Billy, Disco Duck, HEISENBERG, Sloth, Swag, Mr. Bellding, Snots, Texas Ranger

I wanted today to be a special time and it was. I looked forward to my V Q with anticipation and I got to share it with some of the finest HIM’s around and for that I am grateful. I didn’t have to yell at anyone to shut up, which Frisco told me I would have to do. I was fortunate to have attended many great Q’s in the past to draw from including a training Q put on by Sooey last week at DP. I really enjoyed being a part of this group and getting the opportunity to lead!

I think we can all think back to our first… The anticipation, the nerves, the look of disappointment. I was motivated in earnest to quell the disappointment and I hope this experience lived up to expectation. But if it didn’t, I want you to know, it was good for me.

Warm up:

We started the workout with the pledge then mozied around the parking lot twice then circled up.

  • Started with what all great days need, good mornings x 10
  • Next we did the windmill x 10
  • Side Straddle hop to x 15
  • Imperial Walkers X 15
  • Merkins x 15
  • Plank Jack x 15

Mozy to the blocks

Thang 1: 

The coupons are the thing, Partner workout

  • 100 Blurkins (Really core merkins, we seem to be missing our cinder blocks)
  • 200 Overhead Press
  • 300 Curls for girls

Mozy over to the Hill of Friends

Thang 2:

  • 7’s wbb
  • WW2’s at the top X 2 for every one burpie
  • Burpies at the bottom staring with 6
  • Bear Crawl (otherwise known as the Ursus Waddle) up the Hill of Friends

Thang 3:

  • Balls to the wall 5 count down the line


  • Finish up WW2’s left undone on the Hill of Friend


Picnic Sunday- Bring 10$ per family and a side dish

Odyssey OCT 20th


  • Waterwings hosting three kids from Ukraine,
  • Thiesmann taking a test this afternoon,
  • Heisenburg Job hunting
  • Hurricane safety’s for Florida residents

Finally thanks again for participating, it was a real pleasure.

P.S. - Frisco and I are doing a weekly writing challenge to hold each other accountable to write 500 words a week or face compulsory EC. Let me know if you would want to join. We have posted our stuff here if you want to check it out :