YOLIO (You only lose it once).

8 brave (or just sympathetic/misguided?) PAX came out to HARES @ Sovereign Grace Church this morning to attend YHC’s VQ! Rookie mistakes were made. Lessons were learned. The mumblechatter a constant. But in the end we all got to play with some coupons, hopefully got slightly wrecked, and we all came out the other side better than when we began.

0500 - Sub and 3 others kicked the morning off with some EC mileage and pullups.

0530 – Go time. Big gulp. YHC gave a jumbled disclaimer.


Pledged allegiance. Then moseyed out of the parking lot and down the hill for a loop through the apartment complex, back to Sovereign Grace to circle up.

  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • Good Mornings

Thang 1

  • Grab two bricks out of the truck. Partner up for Catch Me If You Can, stopping to do 5 jump squats when caught.
  • Run up Harwood Street, right on 1st Street until it hits Lynch Street. Wait for the Six, then jog to the dead end of Lynch, alternating bricks overhead, bricks out to side. Red Ryder didnt have his Road-ID yet, so we had to keep it low-key.
  • Sneak through semi-private property and continue up to the back entrance of Jaycee Park.

Thang 2

  • Still holding bricks, side gallop up the winding sidewalk, always facing up the hill.
  • Arrive at soccer field. Drop the bricks. Partner up again for a modified DORA
    • Partner 1 runs to end of soccer field and completes 5 star jumps before returning.
    • Partner 2 begins:
      • 50 High Knee Burpees (5 count High Knees, then a burpee. That’s “one”. Times 50.)
      • 200 Squats
      • 300 LBC’s
    • Flip Flop until complete.
    • YHC checks the time halfway through and had to call and audible. Changing to 100 Squats, 200 LBC’s to ensure we make it back to the flag in time.
  • Bricks in hand, double pace-line “indigenous people runs” to the front entrance of Jaycee Park. Regroup for the Six. Right onto Hwy 55, single file back to the flag.


  • Freddy Mercury
  • Hello Dolly
  • American Hammers
  • Heels to Heaven
  • Have a Nice Day

3.2 Miles Total this morning according to my Fitbit ;) You guys with your fancy Garmins need to tighten up!


Wednesday, 5/1, The Pharmacy is hosting us for the F3 Nation-wide simultaneous Humpday Happy Hour to celebrate the release of the 2 F3 beers in cans.


Prayers for Speed Racer as he works through his illness.

Praise and Prayer for Sub as he starts his new job.

YHC took us out.

**Addendum 1** - Sincere thanks for all of you who came out to support this morning, as well as all of the brothers I have had the pleasure of meeting and who continue to push me as I continue to pursue the 3 Fs. F3 has been an absolute game-changer for me these past 8-9 weeks - physically, but more importantly mentally and spiritually. I look forward to SYITG.

**Addendum 2** - I was asked where “Slappy” came from. I had mentioned I liked and had attended a RUSH concert. You can blame the rest of the PAX for where that led! :)



See also