Yoda, you seek Yoda

On NYD Yoda’s manhood was attacked by a 12 year old. Today he was invited to Carpex to defend his honor. Hear more about it here: https://soundcloud.com/f3pickupthesix/pick-up-the-six-yoda-ep-17

Now, to the reason we’re really here, a beatdown.

13 gathered on a cool and misty day in downtown Cary, with a site-Q leading the way.


  • Run over to the bank for GM, SSH, Sir Fazio + Overhead clap + Fazio, Imperial Walkers

The Thang:

  • Move the pax to the fountain, and the tribute to our visitor is underway. Partner up, and like Luke’s training in Dagohba, get a partner on your back. 3 times around the fountain with partner derkins at the transition. A quick set of dips while we finish up and we’re done there.
  • Next, move the pax to the rock pile on the corner of Chatam and Harris. Grab a rock per duo and head back to the lot. Partner 1 balls to the wall, just like young Luke learning to channel the force doing handstands, while your partner does rock exercises. Flip flop through curls, triceps, press and rows (all x10).
  • Get the pax moving again and back to the back lot of the bank for traveling Jack Webbs (yup, no Yoda reference there)
  • Get the pax moving yet again and to the side lot near the flag for a round of ascending burpees with squat hold “recoveries” from 1 to 5.


  • Stuff, but the highlight (IMHO) were the X-Wings (like a super man but arms and leg out in an X (yup, a Star Wars’ reference).

13 strong. Announcements and prayers lifted up and YHC took us out!


  • Listen to today’s PUT6 and take me up on that challenge!

See also