YHC gathered with an unremarkable group of non-pax. Sadly, YHC had to complete alone. So YHC was off to the public library with a couple stops on the way.

At the side of the track side of the Municipal Building parking lot, high knees to the end, 10 merkins, return with butt kickers, 10 merkins, Frankenstein’s to the end, 10 merkins, alternating Karaoke down and back, 10 merkins at each end. Move on.

Merkins waiting for the light at Chatham.

At the Baptist Church, 10 single leg squats, left then right, 25 dips, 10 merkins.

  • Repeat x 2. Move on.

At the library entrance sidewalk, 10 merkins. Run to the Library exit, 10 Burpees, AYG return, 10 Burpee’s. Repeat the round with 10 Burpee’s at each end, then 50 LBC’s

  • Repeat the two rounds above then 50 hammers.
  • Repeat the two rounds again with 50 dying cockroaches.

Head back to the flag with 10 minutes to go.

In route, YHC receives a shout out from a handful of my Sunday school youth and our esteemed youth leader. Having completed the equivalent of two days of the Burpee challenge, YHC was heavy laden when YHC hears Braveheart shout out “Hey, do you want to be interviewed? "

Me: “NO!”

Nick, disregarding said objection: “How would you define mission? "

Me: “YBG” (which with my infantile parlance and extreme exhaustion, means YOBOGOYA. You might recognize this from the Netflix series “The League”.  [This may or may not have happened]

That was received with some heartfelt laughter from Padwan Pastor Cory, (inside joke) who then proceeded to ask the question again while videotaping me.

Me responded with a typical F3 quote, as I was catching my breath and leaving an Old Maid size puddle in my wake.

YHCs workout was done. With a half a mile left to run back to the car, YHC did some meditation on the meaning of missions.

See also