WWW x 4

4th Q of the week and still going strong. Welcome FiA to Bounty Hunters this morning! 8 ladies strong! Warm-UP Jog to the grassy lawn in front of Town Hall

20 SHH 10 Cotton Pickers 20 Mountain Climbers 10 Merkins in cadence

Head over to parking lot on other side of Town Hall. Burpee suicides. 3 run, 6 run back, 3 run, 9 run back, 3 run, 12 run back, 3 more for good measure.

The Thang Partner Catch me if you can around the large 1/2 mile path. Do 5 merkins and 5 plank jacks when your partner catches you. 2 laps.

Dora visited us at the skate park this morning and chose 100 merkins, 200 monkey humpers, and 300 LBCs to split with your partner. Run to the far skate ramp to preform your best heel grab.

Run around the path to get another 1/4 mile in before Mary shows up.

Mary 20 Dying cockroaches One legged Homer to Marge, 10 each leg Plank hold, 1 arm up add leg up, other arm up then add leg up Plank hold, chill cut, back to plank 20 Plank jacks Low slow flutter for 15 count Have a nice day

Thanks for allowing me to lead you today men!


Pray for Open Out and Shut In’s uncle that passed away yesterday and all the loved ones he has left behind

See also