WWW and the Deck of Death!

Stepping up in the gloom this morning is WWW for his first Q!  12 PAX show-up to support our man including YHC for co-Q if needed.  No FNGs (at this time), we head out for our limited run around the parking lot and down the hill and circle-up under the light for the:

Warm Up

Sir Fazio Arm Circles

Arm stretches

Good mornings


The Thang

Finish warmup, Q instructs PAX to go behind the shed and get a CCB and circle back up under the light.

Q pulls out a deck of cards for a round of Deck of Death!!  The exercises were the following:

Clubs:  Rock-your-body with the CCB, reps based on the value of the card

Spades:  Merkins, a down-count number based on the card

Diamonds:  LBCs, 4-count called by the Q

Hearts:  low-slow-flutter kicks, 4-count while holding the CCB over your chest

Aces:  run a lap around the pickle

Jokers-Wild:  Q call

Right when we start the deck, a car rolls up and out hops an FNG, Spartan!  Need to check the website again and make sure it says 5:30 start.  T-claps to Billy for welcoming the FNG with his coupon!  Without missing a beat, Q calls 10 penalty burpees.

Jokers:  mosey up to the church and perform a 20-count BTTW.  Second joker was mosey to the same wall and perform people’s chair.

Time is up and we still had 13 cards to go but, based on the groans and moans and lack of good mumble chatter, the PAX were sufficiently beatdown.


Count-a-rama:  13 PAX, 1 FNG Spartan


  • 9/11 Stair Climb, show-up early at Carter Finley if you plan to attend, suggested 5:15
  • Kryptonite will be open on 9/11 with a regular tempo (not high) bootcamp
  • A-Team will be closed for 9/11
  • Odyssey CSAUP, October 7th. Get your shirt order in before Friday


Great job WWW on your first Q and was glad to be a part of it.

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also