Writing Workout Checks My Body Can Cash

I have been doing F3 for almost three years so how hard could it be to put together a workout?  I have a sack of patio pavers looking for something to do which makes a great prop for a limited run workout.  What could go wrong?  Well, perhaps a 6 month hiatus from posting should have given me a clue that the workout I put together was ambitious.  While I didn’t want to sit around a drum circle and share our feelings, maybe we didn’t have to do this.  As I write this, I am really hating stairs.  And my desk is at the bottom of a flight of them.  

Special thanks to Term Paper for dropping by to say hi and make sure Meatloaf and I weren’t dead as he hadn’t seen us since March.  He also made a valiant effort to work out in a mask but it was not meant to be.  Off the SWW he went.

We met this morning in the small parking lot at Koka Booth, home of Kryptonite and Back in Black.  So, you know the drill…

  • Mosey from the little parking lot to the big parking lot and circle up.  Wave goodbye to Term Paper who ran off in search of a maskless workout.  I think breathing is overrated. Term Paper seems to enjoy it.  Regardless -

  • Circle up for SSH, arm circles, Good morning and control freak merkins.  Control freak merkins with a 10 count on the down on every fifth merkin.

  • The thang

  • Everyone grabs a patio paver out of my truck - heavier than a brick, lighter than a cinder block.

  • Line up for a series of lunge walks.  

    • Do 5 lunge walks, do 25 LBC’s with the block, 
    • Do 5 lunge walks, do 20 LBC, 
    • Do 5 lunge walks, 15 LBC’s.  You get the point, down to 5 LBC’s.
  • At this point, with your paver, 

    • do 5 curls for girls, 
    • 5 overhead presses, 
    • 5 triceps extensions
    • 5 paver (rock) rowes
  • Then, turn around and go back.  

    • 5 lunge walks and 25 goblin squats.  
    • 5 lunge walks 20 goblin squats. 
    • 5 lunge walks 15 goblin squats.  You get the point - down to 5 Goblin Squats

The pavers were starting to get heavy so we put them down and:

  • 5 bear crawls and 25 mountain climbers.  
  • 5 bear crawls 20 mountain climbers,
  • 5 bear crawls 15 mountain climbers, You get the point, down to 5 mountain climbers

After we finish our last 5 mountain climbers I ask Frisco to lead us in a round of yoga and stretching so I can catch my breath.  Stretching ensued.  Apparently Frisco did such a good job helping everyone catch their breath that Meatloaf, who attended the “Ma Bell school of Merkins all day everyday”, suggested descending merkins for the way back.  

So off we went.  

  • 5 bearcraws, 25 merkins.  
  • 5 bearcrawls 20 merkins, 
  • 5 bearcrawls 15 merkins, you get the point, down to 5 merkins

We pick the pavers up and: 

  • 5 lunge walks and PAX choice for 25 reps.
  • 5 lunge walks and PAX choice for 20 reps,
  • 5 lunge walks and PAX choice for 15 reps, you get the point, down to 5 reps.

We briefly thought about leaving the pavers in the parking lot.  We(I) was tired and it’s not like they are having any concerts over there.  But we decided to be good citizens and not do that.  So off we went:  

  • 5 lunge walks, 25 rock rows.  
  • 5 lunge walks, 20 curls for girls.  
  • 5 lunge walks 15 overhead presses, 
  • 5 lunge walks 10 triceps extensions, 
  • 5 lunge walks, 5 rock your bodies.

Put the pavers back in the truck.

I noticed some walkers on the sidewalk between us and the small parking lot so we elected to start Mary in the large parking lot to give them time to move on out of the way.

Circle up for Squatter 100 and some american hammers.  Then slow mosey back to the flag for Mary part DEUX.

Circle up for Homer to Marge and the kids.  Some other exercise that Frisco called consisting of a sit up and a pelvic thrust.  It had a catchy name but to be honest, I was pretty wiped by then.  Shipyard then called Protractor.  Then I called “Have a nice day” and felt blessed it was finally over.


Off the top, I want to thank Frisco and Shipyard for getting “Maskers of the Universe” off the ground.  While yes, I have stayed plugged into F3 with our lively F3Carpex Slack channel, I was missing the sweat, soreness, and mumble chatter.  Perhaps we can all reach out to our brothers who are not posting due to concerns around Covid, and ask them to consider a masked workout.  It’s challenging, but not impossible.  

I haven’t posted since March.  Six months is a long time between workouts.  I need to remember to do a better job of striking a balance between “hard enough to make me better” vs “hard enough to hurt myself”.  I suppose there’s a reason my M say’s “Don’t hurt yourself” when I leave the house in the morning.  :-)  That said, the shield lock is helping me at the “Maskers of the Universe” workout.  We are fortunate enough to be small enough that we do each thang as a unit.  Today, we lunge walked as a group, we did each exercise as a group, we counted as a group.  Pretty much that is what helped get me through the workout.  This is one of the many reasons I do F3.

See also