Wow, things are changing around here

I had the honor today to Q at the still relatively new Hot for Teacher - just minutes away from where i used to live about 10 years ago. Although I drive by here frequently, I can’t believe the development… oh well - its 530 - off we go. Oh wait - FNG - just for grins - i had Nature Boy do the disclaimer - (well worth it). I do hope that FNG Bobby Boucher does return….

Quick run around the corner by the dumpsters to circle up for some warm up. (Good thing we got off the main road as Falco DR from Birmingham - came blazing through so fast he didnt even see us as he blew past. Warm up consisted of Windmill, Abe Vigoda, Imperial Walker, Mountain climber, Sir Fazio Arm circles - One penalty burpee for something Nature Boy didnt do and two penalty burpess for our late arriving guest.

Run to the corner, wait patiently for the traffic light - then partner up. Partner 1 follow me, partner 2 stay here and do dips for days - P1 - down the sidewalk bear crawl the ramp then run down the stairs and back to flapjack.

Next time - P2 doing irkins, P1 - spider monkey up the ramp followed by flapjack. Next you and your partner - join with another man and partner (amazingly difficult for this group of pax).

Down to the parking lot- where we dropped off the 4 man teams in 4 locations - stop 1 - squats, stop 2 - LBCs, stop 3 - nipplers - partner 4 - lunge walk to stop 1 - tag partner - etc., etc. We did two full rotations of this and low and behold - time was nearly up.

Back across the street - circle up for a quick Mary of WW2s.

COT - very few announcements - prayers for traveling pax

Thanks for following me today - it was an honor.

See also