Wow! That's a long hill!

What’s a good way to prepare for the BRR AND enhance overall stamina and endurance at Flirtin’ With Disaster??  The hill on Cary Parkway, of course.  But you can’t just run the hill, you’ve got to throw in some exercises as well.  All FWD regulars are intimately familiar with this hill, and it shows up in probably 1/4 or more of the workouts, and normally stopping at designated lightposts for Merkins, or Burpees, etc.But not this day.  This day, the hill itself is the workout.

18 HIMs posted this morning in what YHC believes to be the first sub-70 degree workout in months!  Humidity was still up there, but I must say the cooler air feels nice!

No FNG’s, and lots to do so let’s go!

YHC, Chipper, and Chanticleer showed up for 3.0+ EC Run

Warm Up:

  • Leave the parking lot and run around the pickle by the rock pile and then back to the parking lot and circle up!
  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Good mornings
  • Dragon Pose for 10-count each side
  • Calf Stretch for 10-count each side
  • Quad Stretch for 10-count each side
  • Mosey to the bottom of the hill

The Thang:

  • Attempted a modified Triple Nickel, but this is one very long hill!
  • (Aggressive) Goal:
    • 5 Burpees at the bottom
    • Run to the top
    • 20-count Pax individual choice abs Mary (No LBC’s) at the top
    • Repeato for five rounds
  • All Pax got in four rounds, and only Chanticleer and Grease had time to finish out the five
    • Other Pax performed various Mary and other stuff at the bottom until the six arrived
  • Mosey back to the Parking Lot for COT

That was brutal!  Running that hill once isn’t a problem.  By the third lap and Burpees at the bottom…this hill is tough!  I must admit, I did not hear a groan, grunt, nor complaint from any pax!  All tackled this challenge with eager enthusiasm, and all were happy when it was over!  YHC felt a wave of exhaustion after getting home and getting some food in me.I was toast.


  • 9/11 Stair climb, still no posts or other info to rely on
  • Carpex Anniversary 8/31 at Danger Zone, all other AO’s closed
    • Including Slippery When Wet, which has it’s ACTUAL anniversary on the same date
  • Clydesdales BRR team needs a new member due to recent vacancy
    • Contact Hermes and/or Sky Blue if you are, or have a candidate
  • F3 Dads is this weekend at Bond Park, 9:00am….all 2.x’s are welcome

Prayer Requests:

  • None


  • After 2.5 years of trying and doing all things possible……Team Joe Smith is happy to announce they are 12-weeks along with 2.1 in the oven!!!!!  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

Grease Monkey led us out in prayer

See also