Wow 2 yrs!

So for my 2 year anniversary I decided to take a different path than what I had originally planned. No grand theme, no week long pre blast with silly photo shops. Just show up with the pax and put together a nice little bootcamp.

10 of us gathered for the first sub 40 degree morning to date. I’ll be honest, I was a little cold.

Get started with the pledge, but no disclaimer, eventually I’ll get this Q stuff straight.

Quick mosey to the community center parking lot for warm-ups. Wait, let’s circle back for a late arriving Frisco and as per the rules book 10 penalty burpees.

After warm ups we head to the kiosk for a set of 7s. World’s Worst Merkins at the top and jump squats at the bottom. In case you forgot like I did, that hill is very dark at 6:45 AM.

Next head to the boat house parking lot for 4 sides/4 corners. Burpee Broad Jump from one corner to the next, then 20 LBCs (keep back straight instead of curling for maximum pleasure). Bear crawl to the next corner and do dying cock roaches, lunge walk to the next for some box-cutters, then finally crawl bear and end with canoe-boats. More nipple clamp talk than expected, but all together a nice thang.

Now we jog to the big picnic shelter, or because I’m bad at geography we go to the playground for pull ups and dips.

Finally we jog back to the flag for 10 minutes of some experimental yoga. We really explored the space and upon the pax request came up with half-moon star crunches.


After two years, I can’t stress enough the good this group has done for me, I was working out and more or less fine, not really a sad clown, before F3, but being with this group and seeing everyone nearly every morning has just made a huge positive impact in my life. A really heart felt thanks from me to everyone!

See also