World's Best 11s

YHC arose at 04:50 with great anticipation of Q’ing a site not visited as often as it should by us Apexians. FWD has quite a signature structure - the bridge over US 1. With the weather appropriately gloomy, 13 lucky PAX gathered at the flag to get the disclaimer and two laps around the tiny pickle.

Warm Up

SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Steve Earles, Good Mornings, Moroccan Night Clubs, Control Freak Merkins, and 5 burpees OYO.

The Thang

Mosey to the aforementioned bridge. Complete Double Inverted 11s - World’s Worst (Best) Merkins on one side, Jump Squats on the other, and LBCs (ascending by 2s, up to 20 then descending) in the middle.

With about half the PAX finished and time running out, finish off 5 more WWM together and mosey back to the flag.


Squatter 100s


  • 5 respects, 1 hate, 7 mehs
  • Announcements: F3 Mental Challenge tomorrow, March 27
  • Prayers/Praises: Disco & Family hoping mold remediation improves M’s health, Smokey’s daughter interviewing for a job she really wants, Yoga Mat starting a new job and facing fears, Quiver’s neighbor who is facing legal charges.
  • YHC took us out


  • The Steve said 50 when YHC arose - think it cooled off a bit on the drive there. Bluewater don’t care.
  • UCF blew that game against dook!
  • For those who are fans and not alumni of the school you are bandwagoning, check out Dredd’s commentary on this week’s 43 Feet podcast.
  • Disco Duck was shockingly quiet this am, outside a little MC in the warm up.
  • This is a fine AO. YHC encourages everyone to post outside of your normal spots on a regular basis. Go see some new faces.
  • RJ Barrett most definitely pushed off.

See also