Workout Wednesday.. on a Thursday

YHC is always on the lookout for some ruck workouts to change things up. Sometimes we stroll, sometimes we step it out, sometimes we do PT.

Lucky for me, GORUCK posts a Wednesday Workout, and this week’s looked pretty good. With four of us to get after it, we stepped off to go find a coupon for our ruck-less brother.

Everyone pick up a pain stick at the parking deck. Everyone. Find a spot on the lawn next to the deck.

Short warm-up: GM, IW, arm circles.

6 rounds:

  • Lunge walk to other side, coupon overhead - should be about 10 each leg.
  • 5 mer’cans
  • 10 squats, ruck or coupon on front
  • 5 V-ups, ruck or coupon held in hands

Stash the coupons (mostly), head back toward start. Detour DTC to fountain to get a little extra time in.. a little too much, as it turns out. Join the COT.. LATE! #sorrySaban

Thanks for joining in, fellas.

See also