Wolverines at Wolverine

We are in the final two weeks before YHC moves out of Carpex and over to Raleigh and so I decided to Q as much as I could before I leave. Stop number 1 on the farewell tour was the darkest AO in all of Carpex and also an AO that YHC had only been to 2 previous times. My tiredness from just running the Tuna 200 Relay over the weekend, the darkness, my lack of familiarity with this AO, and trying to rest the legs keeping this more of a Limited Run style workout, led YHC to Q a little bit of a less organized beatdown. Here is what 22 of us all did:

Warm Up

Disclaimer given to 1 FNG - I-Beam and off we go!
Mosey to the basketball court and circle up for the following:
The Windmill - ICX10
SSH - ICX80 (New England Patriots are 8-0)
Diamond Merkins OMDx20

Thang One

Mosey to the soccer field immediately adjacent and start on the sideline. Crab Walk to the middle for 10 crab cakes. Continue Crab Walk facing the other way to the other side for 10 Crab Jacks.
Dan Taylors all the way back. Repeato with Bear Crawls and Crawl Bears where at the midpoint, 10 Turkish Getups were performed. Dan Taylors back across yet again.

Thang Two

Mosey to the church parking lot. Everyone picks out their own space. Bear crawling to each corner where the following is performed:
2 Carolina Dry Docks
2 Supermans
2 V-Ups

Thang Three

Remaining in the same parking lot we split into 4 relatively even groups. We then did 4 Corners to the following:
5 Start Jumps
5 Bonnie Blairs
5 Wolverines

At the end of each circuit 5 reps were added to all of the exercises except for Wolverines. This was down until 15 reps were reached.

Thang Four

Over in the grassy area next to the parking lot we did Jack Webbs to 10/40


Back at the flag we circled up for 100’s and then YHC called Have a Nice Day.


RESPECT week starts on 11/11. Lawn Dart took us out.


I hate having to pull out a Weinke during a workout but nevertheless I needed to towards the end and the PAX responded appropriately.
I have now been working out in Carpex for almost 9 months and I have to say this was the loudest most mumble chatter ever! Well done men!!

See also