Wolverine Tour (or how we found our way out of the gloom)

Does anyone else sleep terribly before a Q, especially when it’s an AO VQ? YHC isn’t afraid to admit that he does. This time was no different. At least three times I woke up checking the clock, making sure I hadn’t overslept. Maybe it was just the fact that I hadn’t done much in the way of planning for this Q. After all, what’s there to plan for when you can’t see the nose in front of your face?

It was probably sometime during the night dreaming about Davis Drive Park that YHC remembered there is a large church due south (or is it west) on Davis Drive from the park that might have some lights to cut through the gloom. And an idea was born. Well, let’s call it a destination more than an idea.


  • 25 IC SSH
  • 10 IC GM
  • ~50 IC Sir Fazios (small, big and reversed)
  • 25 IC Squats

The PAX don their headlamps as we mosey into the gloom and onto the trail circumscribing the big fields to the south of the playground. Split the PAX into pairs and we Catch-me-if-you-can to the south end of the park (5 Merkins to the chaser). It’s a short 1/3 mile and a nice end to the warm up.


Exiting the south end of the darkness, @binercarpex and @caslotta rubbed their eyes to find actual illumination in the pre-dawn hour as the PAX entered the Pleasant Grove Church parking lot. Headlamps are off and we get to business.

In pairs, we travel from light post to light post:

  1. 10 Burpees / partner carry to…
  2. 20 Squats / bear crawl to…
  3. 30 WWIIs / partner carry to…
  4. 40 Plank Jacks

Plank series while waiting on the six before we reverse course and:

  • 10 Star Jumps / partner carry to…
  • 20 Merkins / bear crawl to…
  • 30 Freddie Mercury (4-count) / partner carry to…
  • 40 LBC (4-count)

Mosey around the parking lot and repeato the above with 1/2 count across the board. YHC forgot his watch but with @sabancarpex in attendance, there is nothing to worry about. We have time.

Catch-me-if-you-can back to the basketball courts. Imperial Wallsit while the PAX bearcrawl inchwork across. The fence is too short. YHC should have used front and back. Next time. We improvised and skootched (scootched?) down to make room.

6:18. Good. Time for one more Thang. Mosey to the playground for a partner combo of pull-ups (15-10-5) while AMRAPing dips.


It’s ski season boys. Get the glutes in good working order:

  • 10 Curb Irkins
  • 10 Curb Dirkins
  • 10 one-legged curb-assisted Homer-to-Marges (2x)
  • repeato

As YHC is ready to wrap exactly at 6:30 - @sabancarpex approved - I was reminded that this is Wolverine. After a quick demo, 5 OYO Wolverines and we’re done.


  • 11 learned about the light to the south
  • Announcements: still looking for an F3Dads Q. Swap-week is in effect. Check it out in all the “Pex” locations for CARPex.
  • Prayers: Many unspoken prayers.


  • One last day of «32F! Looking forward to the heatwave. I’ve strangely gotten used to the cold and Monday was certainly not bad at all despite the thermometer suggesting otherwise
  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead here at Wolverine.

See also