Wolverine is a Beast

  • When: Oct 2nd, 2017
  • QIC: Earhart
  • The PAX: Biner, Hi-Liter, High-Tower, Pierogi, Wilbur, Bocephus, Flip-Flop, Loom, Ascot, Napster, BOGO, PBX, YHC Earhart

Second time for YHC at this great, Monday morning AO for the next beatdown in Wolverine.  My original plan to go to the fields next to the parking lot was shuttled due to a locked gate.  Site Q instructed me later that there is a small gate next to the larger one for access.  FYI for future Q’s.  12 PAX gather on time in the gloom, several with headlamps, no FNGs, we head out around the parking lot, stopping at some curb for the first exercise, quick feet.   We then head through the shelter area and down to the far field for:

Warm Up

Good mornings

Side Straddle Hops

Cotton Pickers

Overhead Claps

The Thang

Finish warmup, YHC shows the field has been previously staked with glow-sticks, six around the field with one in the middle.  First exercise that came to mind when thinking on the Wolverine is the Beast.  I know that the Beast is normally 6 different exercises with 6 reps at 6 different stations but 36 exercises seemed a little wimpy to me so I modified with 10 reps.  First of the six exercises were burpees, circling up around the center glow stick and plank hold when finished with 60 burpees.  Since we were in plank hold, Q called out plank-jacks, in cadence, stopping at 15.

Recover and perform the next five rounds, mixing in star-jumps, CDDs, sumo squats, merkins, and crab-cakes.  To keep it interesting, Q had the PAX perform different runs between the cones, some backwards, some side shuffle, some karaoke, and high knees.  In the center we performed mountain climbers, nipple tucks, scuba buddhas (I think that is how it is spelled), and the Wolverine.

PAX pick-up Q’s junk and we mosey over to the shelter for two quick rounds of left-right step-ups, erkins, and dips.

Head down to the parking area and circle up for:


Q wanted to reinforce Q school so asked each of the Q-school students to choose and lead a mary exercise.  We performed Freddie mercs (with a fast cadence to close), LBCs, WW2s, and something Hi-Liter came-up with elevated side crunches.  Bell tolls 1 minute after 6:30 so time to wrap it up.


Count-a-rama:  13 PAX


  • Odyssey CSAUP, October 7th
  • Triple-down October 14th in Raleigh at the Crick
  • Christmas party announcement coming in the next couple of weeks
  • Krispy Kreme Challenge coming in February
  • 9/11 Stair Climb (Tuesday in 2018)


  • If you want to use the closest soccer field, there is a small gate to the right of the larger gate that will let you in.
  • There is a good rock pile in that field as well.
  • Good to see some guys I don’t normally post including Flip-Flop, High-Tower, and Pierogi
  • Found out later that High-Tower is a friend to CD’s son so now I know the connection
  • The site is very dark but we did perform a crab-hold so we could appreciate a great star field
  • Some mumble chatter about Q asking PAX to pick up his junk
  • Was a little over my time but wanted each of the Q-school students a chance to lead an exercise
  • Great site with lots of options! YHC will be back again.


It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also