Woke Up Without a Plan

When I announced what we were doing this morning I was accused of waking up without a plan. Not true, I knew two weeks ago I was borrowing this workout from Banjo. If it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for me.

Warm-Up Mosey down the road by the pond and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, cotton pickers, and because no one except Old Maid was counting loud enough for YHC to hear, 10 burpees OYO.

The Thang Travel around the perimeter of the school, including an ill-fated visit to the track, with stops along the way where the PAX call exercises.

First stop has five reps of something, each stop we repeat the exercises from the previous stop and add another exercise and increase the reps by one. At our last stop we did

5 copperhead merkins 6 jump squats 7 box cutters 8 monkey humpers 9 scorpion dry docks 10 WWII sit-ups 11 diamond merkins 12 side straddle hops 13 American hammers 14 air squats

Mary Circle up at the flag for Homer-to-Marge, sprinter sit-ups (LBCs crossed with Freddie Mercury), J-Lo’s and Have A Nice Day.

COT Count-a-rama:  20 Name-a-rama:  6 RESPECT, 14 meh, 0 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Stealth shared a praise for being able to come out in the gloom, I can’t do it justice, he needs to talk to Hello Kitty Prayers for Crimson and his family, prayers for Ausfhart, McCants, Sooey and Callahan as they recover from injuries. BOM:  YHC took us out

NMS Safety is everyone’s responsibility, but it starts with the QIC, and today YHC let you down. When we reached the track the gates were closed, and rather than modify my plan we started hopping the fence. Unfortunately Callahan came down wrong and injured his knee.

Knees are tricky, this could be a minor thing that feels fine tomorrow, or it could be a major thing that requires surgery and a long recovery. Either way, it shouldn’t have happened.

Let’s all agree to focus more on safety. The QIC must be aware of the environment and be willing to adjust when necessary, and the PAX must be willing to speak up when the QIC makes a bad decison.

Get weel soon, Callahan.

See also