Winter can't come soon enough

I know I’ll be complaining about it come next January but daaaaaamn it was hot and humid and sticky and absolutely bereft of wind this morning.

WARNING: If you are coming out to Winterfell and following Google, make sure it takes you to the North entrance. Or, if you decide to take the ‘short cut’ and find the gate closed, make sure the head administrator at Alston is not there to witness you going ‘round the game over the grass. #Sorry.

Arrived at Alston Ridge pretty pumped about this new location. Yeah, it’s a bit out there but checking out a new site is always an adventure. Especially when ‘recon’ consisted of a few minutes of Google Maps before figuring out that Google Maps was woefully out of date. Either that or the AO is in the middle of the woods. Which it is not. Time to wing it.

Turns out, it’s one MASSIVE building. I know the site is named for the town in the North from GoT but it turns out to be a very apt name for the school as well. A massive retainer wall greets you (again, only if you ever from the south) and then there is the gigantic hulk of the building. There’s even a large tower that looks inviting if you are of the persuasion that likes to bring their sibling to social events for two.

After making my apologies to Rooney for the grass and meeting a few of the new guys (Churham in the house!) it’s time for a disclaimer about social distancing and COVID and the inevitability of someone with F3CARPEx catching this thing. As we circle up for the Warm-up, here comes a late arrival.


10 burpees OYO

Mosey the pickle and eventually circle up for SSH, IW, Sir Fazio, Overhead claps, calf stretches. Then some agility city … which rapidly exposed one Principal of wobbly ankles.

Thang 1:

Improved upon the partner workout from the CSAUP for 2:1 jump squats/merkins. P2 does merkins on P1s Jump Squat Up/Downs performed in cadence. Flip flop and reduce by 2:1 each time. (18:9… 16:8… etc).

Thang 2

DORA on the hill by the compound that according to Google Maps has been there for some time. 1:2:3 CDD:LBC:FKs. P2 moseys to “Road Closed” sign and back.

Thang 3:

Pearls heading back to the flag. Step up : derkin : dips : irkin sequence. Aussie pull ups.




8 (I’m forgetting a name – sorry!)

Prayers for administrators, teachers, leaders and parents for wisdom and patience


  • Coffee at Sweetwaters after. Lady behind the counter is from the UP. I was looking for pointers and suggestions and she reciprocated by making sure I was even MORE excited about our vacation than I was before.
  • Seriously… Alston Ridge is a money looking school.
  • Logged one geocache on the way back from Sweetwaters. There is a cool looking one in the woods by Winterfell but that one requires a bit more time than I had.

See also