Winky Rewind

A strong group of strong men gathered in the gloom this morning at Bond Park.

The morning drizzle was gloomy and glorious.  It was a good thing the Q brought his winky, because his memory isn’t very good anymore.  And it was a good thing the winky was laminated so it would stay dry.  The size of the winky was spot on, even when folded in half.

- mosey to hill by pavilion and planted flag
- partner 1: bear crawl up, 20 squats
- partner 2: 25 merkins, 50 plank jacks, 75 ww2s
- flip flap until finished

One of the pax turns out to be a little too pampered to drop the duke in the woods, so we modified over to the boathouse so he could drop his kitties off at the pool.

- various calisthenics while waiting for a bowel movement.

After some critique of the cadence and a reference to Q school, the Q called a set of 10 one-armed merkins.  We were all still nervously looking at each other trying to figure out how to get into starting position with a credible one-armed plank by the time the Q finished his set.  Plus one for old man strength.  I later learned that @VHS’s dad made him do 1-armed merkins when he was a kid so he could better fend of bullies.  So apparently you don’t have to hit the “honor” stage of life to have old man strength.

- mosey to the hill between the lake and the rock pile; While moseying, some pax from south wake passed us going in the opposite direction.  They were training for some running-oriented thing.
- picked up good sized rock and climbed the hill
- placed rocks in 2 groups about 150 yard apart
- met between rocks and did plank jacks
- ran to respective rock piles and did American rock hammers
- ran back to middle for more plank jacks
- ran back to respective rock piles for curls for girls; no girls where present to witness the sheer power
- ran back to the middle with our rocks for more curls for girls and more plank jacks; No girls present in the middle either; But the Q still had his laminated winky, which was quite dry.
- stayed in the middle while hi-liter led the pax in some freddie mercs from a standing position;  That took almost as much agility as a side-plank star crunch.
- South Wake pax circled back to taunt us; they weren’t sure why we were lying around in the wet grass.  we exchanged high fives and encouragement
- Once South Wake was clear, we saw who could throw our rocks the furthest down the hill.  The rock on the right won.

- speaking of side plank star crunches, we moseyed to the pavilion and did some side plank star crunches.

- after running up the hill the Q called Karaoke in honor of the Spartans.  YHC started to prepare a work by Carissimi; but then it was clarified that it was Karaoke footwork and not Karaoke singing; it was further clarified that the honor was for Spartans from Michigan rather than Spartans from Laconia; that was helpful because the mental image of Leonidas doing Karaoke was disturbing.

- sprint to the flag.

- wandered around the parking lot for a while trying to find a space sufficiently free of campaign signs that we could all get on our 6.

- enough Mary to ensure we were all thoroughly soaked.

- recover

- we did plenty of other stuff in there, but I can’t remember it all.

@Gump carried Old Glory through the entire workout.

Prayers for unity, courage and the humility of a football team.

5 for coffeeteria where we discussed politics and religion, and that was very peaceful.  But then @Hello Kitty almost started La Farm’s first bar fight by yelling “3 more” at some random dude that walked in the door.

@Gump@Hello Kitty@Hi-Liter, (@VHS Q), @Pigeon@En Garde

See also