Why? Because We Can

For all of us who are in familiar surroundings, around our families and friends, Christmas can be a time of good food, good times, and celebration. Some of us, YHC included, have been eating way too much good food, and hitting the egg nog with frequency previously seen only when Clark Griswold got his Jelly of the Month club bonus.

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to those who are unable to spend Christmas with their families, due to being deployed all over the world. This workout is in their honor. Nineteen HIMs, including one FNG, joined YHC to work out the meat sweats.

Warm Up

Pledge of Allegiance

The Thang

The Murph


American Hammers let by Crimson, WWIIs, Have a Nice Day


19 total, with several Respects and a couple of Hates, including FNG Bobby Fisher. YHC took us out.


  • TCEPS to Nature Boy, who led a Bruiser workout for those who needed it. Nat also was the HIM who brought out Bobby Fisher.
  • Several guys were doing their first Murph - SALUTE!
  • It’s tough to finish a Murph in 45 minutes, as it was originally designed to be completed within an hour. This is you vs you, and if you didn’t quite finish all the reps that’s ok. It gives you something to shoot for next time
  • We left no one behind. Great job this morning with our six-picking-up.
  • Wake Zone did not open until 7:00 - Cataracts was none too pleased. However, gas station coffee did the trick.
  • MIAGD boys! Be a little better today than you were yesterday.

See also